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Now she went from a look of disgust to appalled. He was asking HER what was wrong with HER?! He really was daft. "Wait, I'm sorry, you actually think that this is alright?" She shook her head as she was now crossing her arms. "Tell me one girl who actually enjoys that!"
Then he was once again insulting her. "Are you actually joking right now?" Her voice raising louder, "You're calling ME a bit much?! You're lucky I haven't run off telling someone by now! I should have you reported for going around kissing random girls! That can be taken as some form of assault you know!"
What??? What was going on here? Bentley fixed her with an incredulous look! They weren't going to do this, not in public. He could handle her shooting him down, but only in the privacy of whatever corner they were huddled in. Actually no, he didn't like her shooting him down and this time was worse.
"It was alright on the train! You know what, I'm convinced that you're bloody bipolar! You should go see the healer about that because you're not right in the head Chloe Newman!"
Bentley gaped at her.
"I think that hair colour is getting to your head or something because I did not assault you!" He crossed his arms and glared at her.