Originally Posted by
Ameh It wouldn't surprise me if these are house names, nor would it surprise me if they were mascots being used as filler text for actual house names. It could go either way, honestly, especially as the source is code for a page that wasn't set to be released just yet. The Hogwarts houses are all named for the school founders, but very obviously each of those have names that lend themselves to specific animal mascots/animal imagery, hence a snake for Slytherin etc etc. Each school could have a very different way of naming their houses however, especially as not every school is likely to have four founding members but might still have four houses.
Given the way the world at large seems inclined to name various teams after animals (or vicious weather, as my alma mater opted for, or groups of people, which is obviously often a lot more questionable in the ethics department) it just doesn't seem too much of a stretch that the houses might actually be named for their creature mascots rather than for founders or any other way.
You raise an interesting point. In the UK, a lot of things are named after animals. What we in the US call a "crosswalk" is called a "zebra crossing" in the UK (get it? stripes). I think that for awhile there, they called police cars "panda cars" too (on account of the whole black/white thing). The UK also has pelican crossings, which are just the controlled cross walks without zebra striping.
There are a bunch.
Point is, maybe the houses in Britain are named after people and the houses in the US are named after fantastic beasts.