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A small smile actually cracked Azura's pale face as she watched Professor Paul hop back over to his Lily pad.. This was crazy.. but really.. it was what she needed right now.. Something silly.. and fun! Fun! She needed that! "Well, I like it. It's fun and new and.. exciting." Mmm.. yes. She needed to visit here more often.. That is what she needed to do.
She made herself comfortable on the Lily pad and then then listened to how his summer went. "That sounds like a fun time! Is that why you had a Hawaiian shirt on at the Feast?" She asked him and looked at him gratefully as he didn't ask about her summer.. So he knew.. She had figured most of the Professors knew..
"I'm... I.." She shrugged.. "I don't know how I feel, to be honest. Numb? I.. still can't believe it happened." She looked down at the Lily pad she was on and gently touched it with her small fingers. "Her Funeral was two days before I had to leave and come here." She bit her lip.. She wasn't going to cry.. She.. wasn't..
Okay..Maybe a little?
He was hoping the students would enjoy it; he knew HE did. Then again, Paul felt he was sort of a big kid himself most days. Nothing wrong with that, though.
He chuckled.
"Ah...funny story. My trip ended..the day before term started. I got home, went to sleep...forgot to unpack and repack, and thought I had done the repacking and so...I came here with only my vacation clothes. SO yes...that's why I had those silly vacation clothes on. quite...embarrassing," he laughed a little more.
"I had to get sent my real clothes early the nest morning." Milton...had wanted to kill him.
And...the more serious things. The things Paul had assumed she had come to talk about as soon as he saw her. He nodded, leaning back on his elbows and letting the heel of his foot touch the icy water.
"It must be hard, m'dear." He was silent for a little while, watching her.
"It's okay to feel sad right now, you know. But it's also okay to let yourself feel happy." While he didn't know the minute details of all his students, he knew enough about Azura.
"I am so sorry this had happened to you, Miss Kennedy." There weren't words enough to comfort the girl, so why bother with them?
He stood up, quickly, almost falling into the water-----but caught himself before doing so.
"I'll be right back--" and he disappeared into his old office.