Granddaddy Ravenclaw | | Jermione Granger Nicky'd had half a mind to wear her Castelobruxo robes around the castle instead of this drab monstrosity, or... she would have, had her parents actually let her have them. When they'd had the house in Brazil packed up, they'd donated her robes to a second-hand shop. As far as the Ivers were concerned, Nicky was never going back.
Nicky, however, had other plans.
She'd written Tali and the bestie has sent along the patch from the front of the robes, no doubt "volunteered" by a younger student. Nicky had quickly affixed it on her robes, covering the Ravenclaw crest.
Entering the greenhouses, Nicky had made other alterations to her uniform, shortening the skirt, lengthening the knee socks to thigh-highs, and leaving her big, black motorcycle boots untied, tongues flopping forward. Lollipop stick hanging out of her mouth, she scanned the area before selecting a seat near the back and kicking her feet up on the table, legs crossed at the ankles. Wand out, she levitated the teacup into the air, spinning it about absently as she waited for class to start.
Has anyone ever sung you a lullaby?
You can fly above the rain clouds
Close your eyes Let the melody carry you
Leave all your fears behind You can float across a rainbow sky
to once upon a time |