Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George The key to being late and getting away with it was as followed: Deny, lie, deny, stay calm, lie and deny.
As per usual, Mason had overslept. meaning that she had to race across the Grounds like some peasant just to get to the Greenhouses on time. If she was late, then she would either sneak in and pretend that she'd been there the entire time or she'd go with plan B, which consisted of an elaborate lie and over-dramatic-acting from her part.
Luckily for her, however, when she entered the Greenhouse (lie perfected to a T) there was no Paul to be seen. Only a bunch of students already seated or chatting. And OMG TEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Mason LOVED tea, so props to you Paul, the banjo-playing Professor got another golden star from her, he was just too considerate. But seriously, ew. Who the hell would drink water if there was tea? The only time that she'd ever do that, was if it had like gross-milk in it. Cause milk was gross in tea. . .
And wave to everyone that was a friend, cause she was too lazy to do individual greetings. Plus, tea was way too important.
Last edited by Hiraeth; 05-09-2016 at 06:43 PM.