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Old 05-09-2016, 01:38 PM   #20 (permalink)

Grrr..Meow's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Christopher "CL" Lee
Third Year
Default lots of people
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|

Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy View Post
Crossing her feet at the ankles she stretched her legs out in front of her, careful still not to trip anyone. "That's good but yeah definitely take a trip to the healers if it's not better in the morning." Rather be safe the sorry. Wiggling a little in her chair to get comfortable Hady laughed in amusement as a ball of fluff darted throughost the common room, around those standing around and leaped right up onto her lap. "Hello Hagan," She greeted her cat smoothing his fur. Her gaze shifting back onto Echo as she laid on the floor. At least she was comfortable. "I ate a bit not to much." Not the things she had wanted to eat anyhow.

Hearing her name fall from someone else's lips she turned in her seat to greet the voice she knew. "Hey Dante. I did, how was yours?" Most of her friends knew where she had been all summer but there was a few that didn't. Oddly enough she couldn't recall if he was one of those that knew about her being in Ireland or not.

Before she could comment on her amazing break and her father's wedding their small group was joined by another. A much smaller girl. Hady couldn't help but grin at the kids amazed face and then there was what the small child said to Mr. McLeod. Oh my gosh was it funny!

Trying to keep a straight face and not bust up laughing she looked at Vivi. "He's our Head of House, Mr. Mcleod," She whispered softly in correction. As funny as this was she was sure the kid wold be embarrassed in a few momen's but it happened.
Trying to hold back the laughter Echo had to look the other way, if she kept laughing. ”yeah I ate to much too” she told Hady while still looking the other way, the young snake that had made her snort for some reason she couldn’t help but think she was funny.

”I could always eat more, but gummy snakes how I love you!” she ate the very last of her gummy snake, now debating on if she needs to get up and get more…. Should she or shouldn’t she.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Ariadne Greingoth was nowhere near tired or ready to settle down anytime soon. She was full from the feast and didn't even want to look at the tasty treats in the common room, but she was more than ready to visit with her friends some more before heading to bed. "HEY, ECHO! HADY! DANTE! VIVIAN!" she exclaimed. Yeah. The second year was a little too excited to be back at Hogwarts. She'd worry about missing her family later on.

So where was their Head of House? Ariadne had heard they had a change in their Head, and she was a little confused as to why she was just now hearing about this. She figured it had something to do with Healer Murdoch giving birth to twins, and if that was the case, she didn't blame the woman.

Speaking of their Head of House, Ariadne finally caught sight of the groundskeeper seated nearby. "HI, MR. MCLEOD! How's the grounds coming along?" she asked.
Ohh now there was a familiar face! ARI!!! ”hey girl!!!” she smiled at the younger snakette. ”did you enjoy the feast, im pretty sure I saw a house elf up near the professors when we started eating.”

Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
While awaiting the arrivals, Justin already began to stack a few marshmellows onto a stick before dangling it above the small contained flames. He hummed a little tune in the meantime, just as he could hear some of the stone walls move, signalling the entry of the snakes. He turned his head to look over at the students entering.

"Well hello there Miss Duchannes, my summer was excellent and yours?"

"Why thank you, Miss Lynch." Returning the smile. "Keeping up your training with gobstones?" She was usually one of the team's regulars and Justin could smell a nice victory in the end with them all together again.

"Why thank you, Barrington. Nothing short of that for you all." Slytherins deserved the best as they already were in Justin's mind.

Big grin for this little first year. Cute. "Ohohoo, aren't you bright?" No sarcasm here as he merely chuckled. Did she already forget him guiding the group to the castle and the speech? It was cool as the firstie bunch were always so excited the first night and he didn't even need to correct her thanks to one of the other girls.

"That's right. I was a Slytherin student here waay back and returned as Groundskeeper now serving as the house's Head." Just a little brief intro there before noticing her look at the treats. "Would you like some Miss Fairfield? They're free to eat all thanks to the good behavior displayed earlier."

"Ah Miss Greingoth, good to see you. The grounds are looking quite nice and fresh." Perfect for a venture out tomorrow. "Have you been keeping up your gobstones training?" She was a previous Player of the match, yes?

And with that Mr. McLeod could detect a whiff of light burning. Oops. "YOWZA!" Blowing out the flame the marshmellows leftover were all burnt and charred. "Ahaha, oh well." He went to replace them. This time they would be good.
”It was okay Mr.McLeod, but im excited for this year, not so much about OWL’s but excited” she smiled at the man, maybe if he was just a bit younger……. Echo shook that thought right out of her head, he he he.. Cute head of house that’s for sure.

Originally Posted by Kimothy View Post
Huh... Why was she laughing? Vivian squinted at the older snake? But but... there was no harm done! She tilted her head at the girl. "Uhm, hi," Vivi said, but still her head was tilted to the side. "What... what's wrong?" She was still so lost. Someone explain to her??? Anyone?

Text Cut: Hadleigh and Mr. McLeod!

It looked like Mr. Old Student didn't really seem to... mind? Oh well. That was good perhaps! Vivi was kind of relieved for one moment and kept wiggling on her seat until another older student who was trying not to laugh - she kinda looked constipated, Vivi thought - told her that the older dude was actually...


The color on Vivi's face sort of drained. She stared at the older girl and then to the man who apparently her HEAD OF HOUSE, for Merlin's sake! "I'm so sorry, Sir," the blonde said as her lower lip quivered a little bit. Scary! Look at her making a fool of herself on her first NIGHT at Hogwarts! It was a good thing her Head of House wasn't a freakin' chimaera and didn't plan on deducting points or eating her alive at the very moment. She also looked at the older girl again. "Thank you." A small scared smile for you, Miss!

Someone save her.

Merlin was good! Vivian was desperately searching for someone to direct her attention too. It was so embarrassing, she thought. It was definitely more than GREAT to finally see Ariadne join them! Vivi bounced on her seat as she save her saviour friend. "HI ARIADNE!" Now... come here and save me? Desperate Vivian was desperate.

The blonde slowly took a marshmallow and stuffed it in her mouth. Omnomnom. At least she wouldn't have to keep talking now and saying all the crazy things in her head. She had to stop. NOMNOM.
Okay she still couldn’t look at this girl. And Mr.McLeod was taking It really well, if someone said that to her Echo would have screamed. Like really loud. Other students seem to be coming in now and the younger snake was taking to all of them. Smiling she knew that she was going to talk to her later, kid seemed pretty interesting to her.

Originally Posted by Lethifold View Post
After the feast it was time to see the common room. It was crowded with slytherin students. Demean wondered where was Elsa, but while scanning the room he saw Kye having some slythering themed ice cream. ICE-CREAAAAAM, he thought. Time for desert!
ohhh NEW KID! ”hey New Kid” she had spotted the kid that she had seen downstairs once she was covered in dirt and in her hood.

Originally Posted by Meizzner View Post
Seems like they were not short of interesting first years this term either. Considering this one just asked if our Head of House was a student (Vivi) or that he looked like one. Anyway he was going to point out that he was their Head of House but Hady had just did. "Welcome to Slytherin First..." Oh wait McLeod was here. "What your name?" And please Echo it was summer something noteworthy had to happen. Even if was only of a second. Oh well it not like she had just taken OWLs and has happy not to study for them ever again.

"Mine was good visited, some graduated friends and my brother. Come on something noteworthy had to happen. Even if it was only one thing."
It was good to hear Hady's summer was good. "That's good travel anywhere and how where those OWL grades?" Now he hears his name yelled. Ah it was the fitstie...oh wait not anymore. She was a second year now."Ariadne" Dante said smiling and nodding at her. "You have a good summer" Hmm...McLeod had a point. They were slytherin so they had to have the best. It was just a fact. "Don't mention it Sir,. I figure we are making smore's later?" Dante asked pointing at the food table. There was some more people coming in that Dante did not recognize so he just ignored them for now.

But that stopped when Brooklyn came in.

You know if Hugo still did not have a girlfriend by like the middle of this year. Brooklyn might be a good option. You never know. He did not think she had a boyfriend. But who knows. And he was still serious about that hug if she ever wanted it. He did give good hugs if anyone was asking. He smiled and nodded back to her. They were going to talk this semester just not right now with soo many people.
Echo laughed while getting more comfortable on the floor near the fire, oh he didn’t believe her. ”nothing but family dinners and heartbreak” she stopped there, hold back those tears Echo do not let one shed. ”want to grab me some gummy snakes?” she tried to change the subject quickly enough for Dante not to notice, plus she did want some more gummy snakes, good call Mr.McLeod on the sugar.
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