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Old 05-09-2016, 12:47 PM   #36 (permalink)
Scorpio Vulpeculae
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Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Utopia
Posts: 232
Fourth Year
Default Nells and Sam

Sabbath opened the greenhouse door and it hit him. Ahhh, the smell of Granada, the smell of home. He looked around at the jungle of roses bushes and couldn’t help but break into a smile. He wondered, How is it that smells can just transport to you to a time and place in your mind so easily?

He entered the room and peered around the bushes at the table rows, he spotted Noelle at the far end talking with another girl (Sam) he didn’ t know. On a whim, Sabbath reached out to the nearest rose bush to snap off a long stem with an slightly unfurled bud, he would gift it to Nells.


The rose changed colour from red to white beneath his gaze and he was surprised enough to recoil his hand too fast, catching his finger on a thorn. A few spots of blood pattered on the concrete floor but after a brief inspection he could see the cut was not deep.

He shrugged it off and taking the now well-earned gift made his way over to Nell’s table. He smiled as he approached, revealing the rose to Nells in an overly-gallant manner that made even him laugh at its ridiculousness, “A rose for a rose”, he said to her with a grin, offering the now white and obviously stolen flower.
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