Originally Posted by
Jean Granger
So. Where was Professor Myers? There were rosebushes all around the greenhouse, which were probably for the lesson. That at least, meant that the Professor had not forgotten them.
Carl walked into the room, breathing in the fragrance of the roses. Ooh, there were a couple of white roses too! Being the curious boy he was, he reached out and touched a rose, only to find that it turned white too. Oops.
Right, back to the class. He took a seat and read the note written on the board. He did not like tea, but neither did he have to go all the way back to the room to grab a glass of water, for he had his own water bottle. So he drank gulps of water in order to stay hydrated.
A boy sat next to her and Elsa took a peek at him from the corner of her green eyes. He had really light hair and really dark lips.
Why was she noticing his lips? What was wrong with her these past few weeks? She turned her head down and started sketching some of the roses to keep her mind off of such details.
Her attention was caught when he took a sip from a a bottle of water. She didn't have liquids with her, but so far she felt OK. When the time came she would be perfectly fine having some tea.
The mystery of the red/white roses was intriguing her... but not as much as.. She took another peek at the boy. Maybe she could introduce herself?
"Hi..! I'm Elsa" she said with a small voice to him, waving her fingers as a hello.