Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN Tenacius went swoooooshing down from the top of the Hogwarts tower all the way out here to the greenhouses in no time flat. Usually he'd be running and panting and would be completely out of breath by the time he gets here. So yeah this cruiser -- totally worth its weight in gold. Which means he made a profit since it wasn’t made from one hah!
But as he swooooped in he was SHOCKED as this CAVE of ROSES overwhelmed his vision. Where'd this rose nest come from what WHAT?? No room to navigate! Get out of the-- --W H A C K !!
And there he goes flat on the floor, with his cruiser clattering nosily beside him. Oh and look, a whole bunch of white roses outlining the shape of one who wasn’t looking. "Ouch....." |