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Old 05-08-2016, 11:49 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alexander River Hirsch
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:

x11 x11
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse

Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles View Post
Azura slowly moved into Hirsch's office a rolled up piece of parchment was clutched in her hands as she knocked on his door and then moved back to sit down and wait. The tiny near teen bit her lip as she waited for him to open his door.

Despite feeling like she had proved herself to him.. The contents of her letter and what happened to her might lower his opinion of her. She sighed and bowed her Raven head as she tried to breathe.

She just hope she didn't cry in front of him.
Another day, another school year, and another set of plans to go o-

............... huh?

The man eyed the door and then stole a glance at his watch and then looked back at the watch. It was almost as if he was trying to burn two holes into the door to see who was standing beyond it what with his glare. But, in all honesty, the man was confused. He had a guest? Already? Had someone managed to get themselves into trouble so quickly into the term?

Haddie Denaker would.

Hirsch sat back in his seat and tried to look a little less cool than he normally would - imagine if the new Headmaster was there! - before saying, "Come in!"

Originally Posted by Shanners View Post
Admitting that he was incapable was one of the many things that Rooney hated to do. Hence why he was going to talk around the situation to one of his Professors in the comfort of a quiet office. He was a role model now... a Prefect... and getting down and dirty in a duelling tournament was not one of the things he valued as important anymore. Sure, Miss Charlotte thought it was cool and she was good at it and he really wanted to impress his girl. Future girl? No.. His girl. Yes, his girl was a thing.

Rooney adjusted his badge before selecting a magazine to flick through from his seat whilst he waited. Waiting..instead of knocking.. Knocking was for those who knew exactly what they had to say, and that for sure wasn't Rooney right now. How did you tell a Professor that their teaching methods hadn't connected with you enough to continue in an extracurricular activity? How did you admit that you just weren't good at one thing that you wanted to be the greatest at?

Luckily for Prefect Bronwyn, Hirsch wasn't in his office in the first place.

Call it fate, destiny or sheer dumb coincidence, but the man had been out for a small jog around the lake earlier on that day. Sure, he hadn't arrived back in time to be in his office by the time his next visitor came a-knocking - or not, technically - but he did trudge up to the first floor to see him still sitting there.


Hirsch cast a curious glance over at his door and then at the Ravenclaw reading a magazine. Could he risk sneaking in and then opening the door casually a moment or two later? Simply pretend he'd been there this whole time?

....... Probably not.

Discarding his casual plan, the man made his way towards the Prefect and sat down beside him. "Don't you just hate having to wait so long for your Professor to drop by?" Be careful how you answer this, Mr Bronwyn.

Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
This could not wait a second, not a single second because if he let himself go down to have breakfast on the second day of school, he would come back to find a NEW DUELING LIST POSTED WITH PEOPLE HE DID NOT WANT TO DUEL WITH. To be fair, he didn't want to duel with ANYONE but that wasn't the point--because yes he had a point, one that needed to be made if he was to have even the most remote chance of not completely hating Hogwarts this term.

Was it too early to be visiting Professors? They'd been here for a week waiting, weren't they? Technically they were well rested already...yeah? Eh, this should be fine.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

He saw the sofas and the magazines (that he would not be reading because he did not care for defensive magic and would not be needing it if this meeting went well) but remained by the door. THIS is where he would wait for the man to surface. They needed to have WORDS.
........... What in the name of?!

Hirsch had been awake. Barely. His eyes were drooping and he was about as attentive as a university student at a 9am lecture after they'd been out partying all night but hey, at least he was awake, right?

In all honesty, he'd almost thought he'd dreamt the knocks but they sounded far too realistic to be part of the subconscious. So, instead, he was now forced to figure out why exactly someone was deciding to disturb him so early on in the day. Didn't they have sleep to be getting? Classes to be worrying about? Food to be eating?


Letting out a small yawn, the man got up and went to open the door himself. It might wake him up and kick his brain into gear if he had to make human interaction so early on-

"...... Mr Bellaire?!"

Yeah, this was definitely a dream.

Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Could this wait until any day other than the first day of classes? Probably, but also, a resounding no. No it couldn't wait. Today was Hadley Denaker's thirteenth birthday, and the last time they had gone to Hirsch for him to show them how to cast a Patronus, it had been Jaemin's birthday.

Hirsch had been too busy then, but that didn't change anything. The man had promised to teach them it this year. They had first gone to him on Jaemin's birthday. And now they were going to him on Hadley's birthday. So that was why it couldn't wait. It was a perfect parallel and Hadley had a soft spot for those.

That was why Haddie was dragging Jaemin by the arm, regardless of whether or not she actually had to. She wasn't going to take no for an answer. After a quick sweep of the Office waiting room to make sure there was no glitter than Jaemin could levitate onto her, Hadley knocked excitedly on the Hirsch's door.
Originally Posted by Ameh View Post

Someday. Someday he was going to grow, and people wouldn't be able to do this to him so easily.

That was the thought Jaemin focused on as Haddie pulled him around by his arm. He wasn't exactly an unwilling participant in this whole thing; he too was eager to learn how to cast a Patronus. However... she was just walking really fast, and while he was prone to zooming about the castle like a tiny jet, he wasn't really feeling as hyper today as he might have been on other days.

At least he knew she wasn't going to try anything weird, like Sachiko. Thank Merlin for sensible girls like Hadley Denaker.

When they finally emerged into the comfortably familiar area outside Hirsch's door, Jaemin pulled his arm away from Haddie and absently fixed his sleeve. "Don't gotta pull me, you know," he murmured lightly, looking up from his arm as she knocked. "I wanna learn it just as much as you do."

Hirsch's office was a place that Jaemin would always turn up at willingly. He bounced lightly on his toes, waiting for the door to open.
The number of eager students visiting him so early on in the school year was a good sign, right? It meant that they hadn't used the summer to drill a sense of laziness in them where they vowed to stay off school property for the rest of their days.

Good. Thank Merlin.

Hirsch had been sitting back in his usual armchair, his feet propped up onto the table, when the knocks came. His demeanour didn't change and neither did the expression on his face. He simply sat there and ruffled through his sheets of parchment before deciding to answer whoever it was at the door.

"Come in!"
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