For Bentley/Davy :3 ♡ A heart full of Love l ☾ A night bright as Day l ALRIGHT, WHERE IN MERLIN'S BEARD WAS SHE?!?!
She had done so much walking that she somehow managed to lose her sense of direction amongst her nosy wandering of the school grounds. Now she definitely was in no way panicking at all, because she'd been in worse situations than this, like that one time in New Zealand, but there was no need to mention that.
All she knew was that she was supposed to meet Chloe some place because she hadn't seen her since that Feast not too long ago, which don't even ask her about the food, because she refused to eat practically everything that was served in front of her. Not only that, but the sight of those savages eating what was once poor defenseless creatures & other condiments mixed from horrible chemicals that could most likely kill you, was revolting to witness! ...Barbarians..
Anyways, the very frustrated redhead decided to stop walking now before it would become nearly impossible for her twin sister to find her. And from the looks of it, she was able to evaluate that she was not too far from the Library as it seemed and- OH LOOK A BALCONY! If there was one thing the girl loved, it was sitting in areas where she could admire lots of scenery, particularly trees & this place was bound to have that right?!
...Oh thank Merlin there were a LOT of trees on these grounds. Good to know that they were at least smart about the location of this school. She was sure to make a mental note that she would most definitely take an adventure one of these days out there! Better yet, why make a mental note when she could just jot it down in her journal, pfffft, of course! Within the seconds Clara was jotting down many many things in her journal about everything she'd seen since her last entry, which was from this morning.
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