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Peyton walked into the office after lunch, hoping to get a peaceful afternoon to tackle some of the paperwork that was piling up in his in tray… which was almost double the size that it had been this morning. Sighing, he moved through the office at least fed and charged for an afternoon of writing. Perhaps he would finally manage to get that report done for Emily? If not, he would just have to take it home and do it tonight because she had wanted it by yesterday.
He looked around the office before going to his desk though, just in case anyone needed him. It was official. Staring at your in-tray and hoping papers would magically appear was not an actual thing. It didn't happen, not even in a magic work place and especially not when your boss wasn't too thrilled about handing off work to you for a while. You stay late at work a few times and suddenly you were a workaholic with a problem. Merlin.
Lex reclined in her chair, feet on her desk and a report she'd done up in her spare time in hand. She had plans for it, that weren't exactly in her jurisdiction to begin with--not really. It wasn't the sort of things Aurors really got....assigned to when there was more pressing work out in the field but it was all she'd had at the time and she'd gone as far as she could with it. Now it was time to pass it off.
As if on cue, the Head of Investigations walked right by her desk heading to his own. Huh. If that wasn't a sign, she didn't know what was.
Checking to be sure Legend wasn't currently at his own desk, Lex got up and headed over to the man.
"You got a minute, Chief?"