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Old 05-08-2016, 01:32 PM   #5 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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SPOILER!!: Disregardant-Troll

Having pulled out an interesting looking book on the topic of the physics of magic, Daxton had begun scanning through the contents and then the first few pages, trying to determine if this would be of any use. However, no sooner had he done that than did he hear a set of footsteps stop nearby, and a voice floating up to him.

Looking up, Daxton found the source of the voice immediately, in the form of a second year Slytherin girl, standing down on the floor not too far away. Though Daxton was not a social creature in any sense of the word, he made it his business to know as much as he could about everyone else who lived in the castle. This one's name was Stevens, he knew, though he had no first name for her as yet. Frustrating.

In regards to her question, Daxton simply responded with a none-too-subtle roll of his eyes, and went back to his search for useful texts. Those were some stupid questions, questions that did not even deserve the effort it took to produce the answers that Stevens wanted. What he was doing was obvious, and any idiot could work out what the ladders were for.

Now alert to the fact that there was someone else in his vicinity, Daxton kept her within the range of sight and picked out another book from a shelf right at eye-level.

What!? Did he seriously just ROLL HIS EYES at her? What.A.Butt-face.

And he didn't even have the common courtesy to answer her questions. . . they had been rhetorical in a sense, but still! And Mr. Jerk decided that even though Mason was STANDING RIGHT HERE, he was going to go about his business as if she weren't.

"Oh, excuse me, Sir Jerk-face. I didn't know that I was in the presence of royalty." As far as Mason was concerned, the only people that had the right to ignore her were the Royal-Family and she was pretty sure that this peasant wasn't a Royal, "I'm talking to you. Are you deaf or do you just think that you're too good to answer me?" She glowered up at him, her ears turning pink from her frustration.

She wondered if this guy had a tongue? For a second Mason thought that maybe he was a mute. But then again, how would he be able to cast spells? She didn't know of any Hogwarts-Student that could cast non-verbal spells, and she was pretty sure that she would have known if there was a mute-kid at school. . . maybe he had Silencio cast on him? Or maybe he was just a jerk?

He must have been an older student, cause Mason didn't recognize him at all- wait, wasn't this the kid that had been so sulky and withdrawn at Duelling Club? The one that hated Hawt-Hirsh for some (probably stupid) reason? She was pretty sure that he was the one that had gotten detention in the last few weeks of school. . . What was that guy's name again?

"Aren't you that Dalton Prax-guy?" She doubted that he was going to answer the question. . . jerk.


Last edited by Hiraeth; 05-09-2016 at 02:43 PM.
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