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Old 05-08-2016, 10:23 AM   #3 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Default Sandman
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SPOILER!!: Paranoia
Having spent an entire summer away from the Hogwarts library and its vast selection of resources, Daxton was keen to get back there at the earliest opportunity once he was back at school. He had been working on all manner of things in his free time at home, relying mainly on the information he had already read and committed to memory, but nothing was quite the same as referencing and cross-referencing actual physical books, and being surrounded by thousands more.

Though he was very tall for his age, especially after his most recent growth spurt (which had also left him rather lanky and thin), he was clearly not tall enough to view the books on the highest shelves. However, he did not want to use the sliding ladders either, finding that it would be much too easy for someone to push the ladder so it slid away while he was up at the top, and feeling that the ladder would easily succumb to any sort of destructive spellwork while he was using it, sending him crashing to the ground. And Daxton knew that there would be plenty of people liable to try such a thing.

So, in an aisle of books with a section devoted to magical theory, Daxton instead climbed up onto one of the desks to peruse the higher-up shelves. He kept an ear out for anyone who might approach, ready to leap away, should someone cast a spell at him or the desk he stood upon. Gradually, he started making his way down the aisle, scanning through the titles on the bookshelves and occasionally bringing out a book that looked like it might be of some use.

What did Mason love more than anything? Books. Where were books stored? A Library. And Hogwarts had one of the best Libraries that she had ever seen. Plus, she might even stumble across some sort of adventure like she had last year. Not that she wanted to brew another Bathroom-Potion, cause that sucked. A lot.

This wasn't the time for reminiscing, though. Mason had work to do and books to read. But she had to find those books first. She wanted to get into that Spirit-Room thingy and that weird ghost-shield wasn't making it easy. She wanted to know why it was there and if it was possible to blast a hole through it. . . she was going to get in there, one way or another.

Her thoughts were cut short, however. When she turned the corner to where the Study-desks were, there was someone occupying it, but not nearly in the way that they were meant to be used. He was has standing on one. . . why?

Mason raised an eyebrow, "What the hell are you doing?" She asked the lanky boy, crossing her arms as well, "You know that there are ladders for a reason, right?" So that you don't have to clamper around on tables like an idiot, duh.
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