*claims space right next to McLeod because we can* ♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Who could say no to ice cream right before bed? Not Song Jaemin, that was for sure. The small Slytherin zoomed his way into the common room, already feeling rather celebratory that he'd made it through a feast without someone throwing food, making it rain, or dropping glue on everyone and everything. Was this what it was supposed to be like?! Hopefully the trend continued in this way, rather than the way it had gone last year.
The diminutive Slytherin boy made a beeline for the ice cream, scooping up a bowl (and maybe stealing a few more gummy worms) before making his way for a seat riiiiiight next to his new Head of House. Because he had questions. He looked up at the man expectantly and held out a gummy worm, in case he wanted one too. |