♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie Could this wait until any day other than the first day of classes? Probably, but also, a resounding no. No it couldn't wait. Today was Hadley Denaker's thirteenth birthday, and the last time they had gone to Hirsch for him to show them how to cast a Patronus, it had been Jaemin's birthday.
Hirsch had been too busy then, but that didn't change anything. The man had promised to teach them it this year. They had first gone to him on Jaemin's birthday. And now they were going to him on Hadley's birthday. So that was why it couldn't wait. It was a perfect parallel and Hadley had a soft spot for those.
That was why Haddie was dragging Jaemin by the arm, regardless of whether or not she actually had to. She wasn't going to take no for an answer. After a quick sweep of the Office waiting room to make sure there was no glitter than Jaemin could levitate onto her, Hadley knocked excitedly on the Hirsch's door.
Someday. Someday he was going to grow, and people wouldn't be able to do this to him so easily.
That was the thought Jaemin focused on as Haddie pulled him around by his arm. He wasn't exactly an unwilling participant in this whole thing; he too was eager to learn how to cast a Patronus. However... she was just walking really fast, and while he was prone to zooming about the castle like a tiny jet, he wasn't really feeling as hyper today as he might have been on other days.
At least he knew she wasn't going to try anything weird, like Sachiko. Thank Merlin for sensible girls like Hadley Denaker.
When they finally emerged into the comfortably familiar area outside Hirsch's door, Jaemin pulled his arm away from Haddie and absently fixed his sleeve. "Don't gotta pull me, you know," he murmured lightly, looking up from his arm as she knocked. "I wanna learn it just as much as you do."
Hirsch's office was a place that Jaemin would always turn up at willingly. He bounced lightly on his toes, waiting for the door to open. |