Originally Posted by
SpiritWolfe Malfoy
The feast had been rather calm this term and that had been a large change from the opening and closing ones of last term. Hady had managed to eat the food that had been put on her plate this time which had been a small blessing in itself as she had been starving!
Following her fellow snakes up to their common room was the normal and nothing out of place over the years. It was when she stepped foot inside that stopped her where she was for the slightly of seconds. A campfire, tents and even more sweets. It was heaven and normally would've went straight for the gummy snakes and ice cream however she didn't. This sixth year was being extra careful about what she ate and drank this term as advised by Professor Ichihara for her animagus training, eat right and lots of exercise. There would be no messing up now that things were getting closer.
So it was with a small sigh that she bypassed all the goodies and took a seat by the campfire. "Hello Sir, nice set up you have here," Hady commented with a light smile. "Hey Echo, feeling better?" Just checking on a fellow friend while coaching herself to not look at the snack foods...maybe later she could have something. Just one.
Echo was so happy when people started to arrive and even more thankful when it was Hady. A huge smile on her face she replied.
"yeah im a lot better, i just cant believe that happened. my knee still kind of hurts maybe i'll go see the healer tomorrow if its not better?" she told her friend while she crept over to the fire and laid down on her back, hair sprawled everywhere with two gummy snakes remaining. Putting another in her mouth she crossed her legs in the air and placed them on the closest chair.
Hey it was her common room, and she was going to get comfortable.
"I felt like I ate everything in sight up there?" patting her belly.
"but i just couldn't resist these gummy snakes" so yummy.
Originally Posted by
Dante was tired from the feast and just wanted to go to bed. He went to the Gryffindor table the majority of the feast and now let him tell you. THAT was a big mistake because they are crazy. Well not all of them. But put them all together with Airey and well it was madness. He was happy when he it was finally over and he had eaten,
But now what was going on. Please don't tell him they were having another one of those meetings because he hated those. Pointless things. But it seemed like they were going to go do camping in the common room. Which is a weird but alright idea. As long as there is food and there seems to do. Don't mind if he does. Dante walked over and popped some snake-shaped gummy worms in his mouth. Ah, Mcleod was here plus Hady and Echo. He was early. Dungbombs, he did not like being early.
"Not bad Sir, Not bad at all"
Dante said addressing McLeod on this camp thing. Now where all the chairs the same or where some more comfortable than others because Dante only wanted the best chair. It was a matter of preference.
"Hady..Echo. You two have a good summer"
He asked popping the last of the snake gummies he got from the food table. He will be back for more later.
Seeing more coming in she spotted Dante!! her face lit up, he was always so nice to her. turning her head on the carpet she pointed her last gummy snake at him!!
"Dante!!" she smiled while moving her feet on the chair.
"mine wasnt note worthy, but its good to see you? how was yours?" why did her summer had to go so badly.
if she could totally erase the summer that just happened she would have.
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The Slytherin Common Room was pretty dark and creepy, unlike what her mum and dad have said about the towers for Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.
Vivi peeked inside the room because... well, she just sort of wanted to wander around and get to know the place more. Though that sounded like an incredibly fun idea to map the castle, she was sure she would get lost in the process anyway. Not that it mattered, Vivi loved adventure and there was no real essence of such if she didn't lose herself at one point.
Oh... OH. What a place. Vivi kinda liked how the lights were so... mysterious. And pretty too, she had to point out. She saw a small group of older students here. GAAASP she was so lost, and so tiny compared to them. Vivi shuffled as she went closer to them. Awkward, sort of. Maybe this was really how it was for firsties? Be awkward at school for the first week and start flicking marshmallows at other students in the days after?
Vivi looked at the man sitting down (Mr. McLeod). He looked older than the rest. HUH, that's weird. "Hi! Aren't you a liiiil bit too old to be going to school?" Vivi said casually as she took a seat beside him and wiggled on her seat. Well, no harm done. It was just a mere observation.
But her attention was taken by those MARSHMALLOWS. The blonde's eyes widened and so did the smile on her face. YAAAAAASSSSS.
Spotting a younger snake come in she moved her head and followed her to go sit beside their head of house.
"good luck" she thought while hearing her ask him that he was too old to be here... her mouth dropped. laughing out loud she snorted.
"AHAHAHAHHA *SNORT* her face went blank and she laughed even harder, almost choking on her gummy snake that she had in her mouth.