Antipodean Opaleye
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 9,632
| Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George  
♛ Hater of Ghosts
♛ Total Brat sometimes
♛ One half of CornMaze 
Name: Mishenka “Mason” Camilia Stevens Preferred Name: Mason, please, just Mason Alias: Mase Macey (by her mother) Steve (by her father) Mishka (by her maternal grandparents) Love/ Child (by Daya) does she even remember my name?? Age: 12 Date of Birth: 6 June 2077 Place of Birth: Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia ☭ Current Residence: Stevens Manor, Bath, England Personality Type: ENTP “The Debater” Wand: 11 1/2" robust Yew, Dragon Heartstring of an Antipodean Opal Eye Wand Description:" That's a beautiful wand combination there, that is. 11 1/2 inches of robust Yew with Dragon Heartstring - the heartstring of an Antipodean Opaleye dragon, if I'm not mistaken, native to Australia. Yew is a highly rare wand wood, exceptionally handy for transfiguration magic, curses, dueling, and though it's a common wand for those who practice dark magic, that does not indicate correlation. I think this wood is simply drawn to people of great leadership who strive for power, or have great potential . . . Pairing the yew with the dragon heartstring makes it a fine companion for defensive spells, too, as well as hexes, and... all in all, it's a very powerful wand. There's not much it could do to steer you wrong - highly reliable; But with great power came great responsibility " - Libby
Decorations: An Aspen-handle with engraved lace-work. A few aspen-swirls adorn the tip as well. Marital Status: Lol, she's 12

Hair: Dirty Blond (It keeps getting darker) Eyes: Light Grey Height: 4'11" Skin: Fair (meaning that she's basically Snow White) Stature: Small and kind of skinny, but don't underestimate her strength. . . she's lethal  Quirks:Bites the insides of her cheeks when she's angry and digs her nails into the palms of her hands when she's nervous. Other: She has 2-holed Earlobe-Piercings on both sides and 3 studs as Forward HelixPiercings on her left ear. (one of the Helix-studs is made out of Pearl, another is Alexandrite and the other is of Moonstone: Her three birth-stones) Special: A Russian-Faberge necklace that she never wears. A ring with the Stevens-Crest on it Style: Attempts at being a Soho-Hipster Random: She also likes to doodle on her hands when she's bored. Or just when she's breathing. So always.
 School:Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry House: The Sexiest House of All . . . Year: Second Extracurricular Participation: Duelling Club
Gobstones Strongest Subjects: Potions, HoM, Transfiguration Weakest Subjects: Herbology SPOILER!!: ♛ H O G W A R T S SPOILER!!: ♛ 1st ♛ F I R S T_Y E A R: Sept. 2088- Jun. 2089 ♛ Term 42 ♛ Mason arrives at Hogwarts The Sorting-Hat irritates her with its dawdling but eventually places her into SLYTHERIN!! She has recently been a soldier in the Great Food War of Slytherin Table, whether she survives is still unknown. PS: She survived Colt pies Mason's face, it was blueberry Got her first detention (2 weeks long) on the first day and she has sassed her HoH and the ghost, The Bloody Dung-Bag. This was her first huge mistake.
On the verge of tears, Mason starts her endless Muggle cleaning.
Cleaned the grossest cell to ever exist, so jay, nightmares.
Finally re-joins civilization Starts an adventure of mysterious origin with Kitty Valentine Devised a master-plan to get in the Restricted Area Started Dancing Lesson with Hady
On a quest to find someone who will help her with Legillimency-Training Got attacked by an oversized eggplant (really Herbology?) Cried into some clay and made a crow. MADE HER DESK ALIVE AND LIKE HELLLLLLL!!!! Becomes extremely disgusted by Colt Yay! Duelling! Yay! Team A!
Ugh, Colt's in Team A POTIONNSSSSSS Torn between Rach and Had 
^ They made up! Yay!
Why didn't her potion workkkkkk???? WHY WAS THERE A THING IN THEIR DORM?? O_O
Started brewing her bathroom Potion with Kitty Duels: Rachel Katherine ♛ Olivia ♛
WOO! 7th place amongst the Firsties!
Oh wait, nevermind. The terrible and scary thing that had been in their dorm. . . turned out to be a Poltergal. . . that was grossly in love with *shudder* Peeves.
^ May have overreacted a little when it was in their dorm The Great Paint War of HoM Went blue for a few minutes *shudder*
Snakes went a little overboard, but at least they got her back!
Made up the points she lost, and got 22 as well! 12th Birthday! 
^ Became a grown up and classy lady XD LOLLLL
Hatred for the Baron is still strong
No more detention, luckily
Final days of First Year. . .
Realized how stupid and immature it was to be mad at one of her friends. . .
Trying to find Colt. . . just to make up with him. . . sure
. . .
Really, parents. . . T_________T
A baby? You decided to drag another child into your horrible marriage??? And you decided to tell me via OWL???
Oh great, yeah. A cat. Thanks for that. -_- A cat totally makes everything alright. . .
End of year FEAST! 
Didn't get in trouble this time!
♛ Bye-bye Hogwarts! You survived one year of Mason Stevens . . . Until next time! ♛
Hogwarts Express, home, yay!
. . . . . . .
Well, that wasn't too bad. . . right? ♛ S U M M E R 2089 ♛ SPOILER!!: ♛ 2nd ♛ S E C O N D_Y E A R: Sept. 2089- Jun. 2090 ♛ Term 43 ♛
Hogwarts Expressssss
(so boring on there if you ask her)
Got to ride up to Hogwarts in those fancy ghost-carriages
Hogwarts is still so fricken breathtakingOPENING FEAST  Met up with Colt at the Doors (he's soooo hot)
;____; Can this be true? Omg, Murdoch. . . SHE ISN'T HoH ANYMORE 
The beautiful McDreamboat is the new Slytherin Head
And HAPPY TEARS Screw you, Murdoch New teachers, they seem nice enough That cat is totally the new Headmaster OMG CALLED IT! He has an earing, totally cool already Ravenclaw lost the points this time 
No gross-dungeon scrubbing this time Slytherin Gathering!
Re-established her love for the cello Finds the sneaky ickle Fairchild spying, skewered her Mysterious Barrier-Room
omg hey new Professor Kay!
(totally taking Muggle-Studies this year) Trying to find info on mysterious barrier-room
-_____- Who the hell is this peasant?
. . . annndddd NEW ENEMY! Gobstones against the Claws
Ravenclaw won. . . by one point  PLAYER OF THE MATCH 
Herbology. . . fun OMG TEEAAAAAA O__O Why is Paul in Drag? Omg, he just anesthetized us. . .
Is this legal??!! DAD! Became an even smoller-Hobbit POTIONSSSSS <3 Such a genius Moustache trimming :3 #Genius strikes again, no peasant stirring
Smol-Haddie is too precious ;__; -___- Why isn't this getting CREAMY???!!!
Whelp, she done screwed up. . . -__-
Omg, Sir Jerk-face is a plant killer He made them lose 45 points Screeching it up in the Therapy-Room Hi, random girl-face Forbidden Forest-adventure. . . . . . nevermind, McDreamboat caught us -__- And we're just having a picnic  Lol, random Curly-Head WHELP, there goes the 'good-streak' -10 points ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*was briefly on the top five*
Emphasis on brief
#Bunchoflessonsaintnobodygottimeforthat CHRISTMAS BREAK 
Omg, mom's fat :O Okay, got it, FetusDemon is almost here
HELLOOOOOO, you're gonna have the baby for 17 more years, she's only here for like a week *flails*
Omg, Voldetort got a hat :3
Daddddd, don't wanna go to your old-person-party 
Omg, are you kidding??? Why??
Lol, she's pregnant too
. . .
What is that smol-fetus' name?
. . .
Valeria. . .
She is the chosen-one, the last of the Dragon-Lords, she is a Valyrian-princess and she needs to be worshipped 
;__; #Bestdayever Oath to lil Leria:
"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall worship no other child, hold no other babies, change no other's diaper. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die your side. I am your night-light in the darkness. I am the watcher on the monkey-bars. I am the shield that guards the toys of Leria. I pledge my life and honor to your Queens-Guard, for this night and all the nights to come " Back to school 
Hello, super hawt-puffer, you're blocking the frogs T_T
CoMC sucks butts
Are those dogs???
Noooooo *sneezes galore*
Crups are the devil, that's why your name shall be Izverg Hirsh, this is about t my future-awesomeness, we need to talk  Duelling Club: Spades _____ _____
CLEARLY McLeod is hiding something in the Forest, whether it is his gay-castle or his secret occult, he is totally hiding something. . . And Mason is gonna find out what 
Lol, Hadley is here as well. . . maybe on another date with Curly-Top?
Had- ohhhhh
. . . what is that. . . ? It's so soothing. . . #Blackout Must obey Lulla and Glowy: Mason must find stone in: Common Room Kitchen Elf-lair Bathroom Treehouse McLeod's Hut Pathways Potion Store-room Observatory Dorm ♛ S U M M E R 2090 ♛ SPOILER!!: ♛ K O L D O V S T O R E T Z SPOILER!!: ♛ 3rd ♛ T H I R D_Y E A R: Sept. 2090- Jun. 2091
Mama, I hate this
I want to go back to England
Fine. . . mwahahahaha 
I'll show you. . . ♛ S U M M E R 2091 ♛

Astronomy: A Charms:E DADA: E Flying: O Herbology: P History of Magic: O Potions: E Transfiguration: E OWLs: TBA NEWTs: TBA

Mother: Anzhelika "Anya" Stevens née Abramovich (33) Father: Sebastian "Seb" Stevens (36) Siblings:
- Lev Ryder Stevens (Stillborn, 11 February 2090) Paternal Grandmother: Camilia Addison Stevens née Monroe (Deceased) Paternal Grandfather: Bartemis Sebastian Stevens(Deceased) Maternal Grandmother: Ekaterina Asya Abramovich née Belousov Maternal Grandfather: Vaughn Lev Abramovich Maternal Uncle: Aleksey Vaughn Abramovich) (40) Paternal Uncle: Roman Jonathan Stevens (32) In-Law Maternal Aunt: Prekrasnoye Buryy Abramovich née Krov' (38) In-Law Paternal Aunt: Vinita Stevens née Roberts (30) Cousins:
- Vera Shnurok Abramovich (20)
- Doloto Dzhinsy Abramovich (18)
- Oniks Noch' Abramovich (16)
- Troy Caleb Stevens (5)
- Cerys Addison Stevens (2) First Cousins:
- Bol'noy Rodilsya Abramovich (5) Family Tree Pets: Marsh Owl named Shadow (named by Linc). A black apology cat named Blacktrix. A tortoise named Voldetort and Bob (a sassy pebble)


☣ The Bloody-Baron
☣ (Maybe) Healer Cecelia Murdoch
☣ Daxton Prince (Sir Jerk-face)

Blood Status: Pure-Blood Nationality: Russian and British Ethnicity: Half-Russian, Half-British
Mishenka Camilia Stevens was born on 6 June 2077 in Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. She spent the first two years of her life there before her paternal grandparents passed away in a mysterious potion mishap. Her father inherited their lavish country Manor, prompting the small family to leave the snowy country and move to Bath, England.
She grew up mostly alone, cared for by the servants of the Manor. Her parents never had another child and rarely spoke to one another. Her father tried spending time with her, teaching her all he knew about Quidditch and training her in the arts of Duelling and Self-Defence. Her mother only ever taught her child how to play the piano, something that Mason hasn't done in years. She spent most of her childhood in the vast library, her love for books growing stronger with each page she turned. Despite her tomboyish acts, Anya still insisted that her daughter embrace her status and sought out any means of teaching Mason how to behave like the lady she was supposed to be. She was tutored from home in her early years, until she got her Hogwarts acceptance letter at age 11.
♛ Extraverted
♛ Intuitive
♛ Think/Feeling
♛ Prospecting
♛ Assertive ♛ Strengths: Knowledgeable, Quick Thinker, Original, Excellent Brainstormer, Charismatic and Energetic. ♛ Weaknesses: Very Argumentative, Insensitive, Intolerant, Can Find It Difficult to Focus and Dislike Practical Matters
" ENTPs' intelligence, curiosity and sound reasoning skills are a force to be reckoned with. ENTPs will always be able to find just the right argument, the weakest chink in their opponent's armor, or the way out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Their fearsome debate skills and impressive knowledge allow ENTPs to overcome many challenges. Yet ENTPs can be easily tripped up in areas where careful and rational thinking is more of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, connecting with other people, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder or forcing themselves to focus, ENTPs need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills. " Totally got mom's ways. . . ♛ She is a SASS-MONSTER Likes: Staying hydrated and beautiful, playing Quidditch, reading, mischief, magic, eating, sleeping and overall just being lazy Dislikes: Restriction, rules, goody-two-shoes, ghosts, and most of all, *shudder* Pygmy Puffs

Astrological Sign: Gemini Birth-flower: Rose or Honeysuckle Birth-stone: Pearl or Alexandrite or Moonstone Name Meaning: " God Like " (Mishenka is still a boy's name) Patronus: TBA Boggart: TBA (probably a Pygmy Puff) Amorentia: New parchment, the leather covers of books, melting chocolate, heavy smoke, lemongrass, white-roses Instruments played: The Piano (hasn't played in 3 years)
The Cello (played frequently) Favourite Classical-Artists: Gregor Piatigorsky
Vladimir Horowitz
Allergies: Shellfish and Dogs (ANY dogs, even Crups) Stupid people Hates: People who don't like Shakespeare, that Heavy-Metal-trash that Muggles listen to, pantyhose, turtle-neck sweaters, tea with milk, asparagus, pumpkin-juice, the taste of Skele-Gro, attention-seekers, ghosts, being ignored. . . Pygmy Puffs Dreams of Becoming: The best Auror to ever life or like a the Evilest Overlord-Witch ever, something small like that Role Model(s): Mom (thanks for ze birth) Gabriella Abbiati (MoD and Sass-Queen) Lynley Purcell (she's super awesome and successful) Emily Browne (she gets to boss Dad around and she's super successful at Auroring) Loyal to: Smol Khaleesi, Valeria Burton (is her Sworn-Sword) Favourite Ice-Cream: Cookies&Cauldron Cake Favourite Sweet:Mint Chocolate-Frogs Favourite Sport: QUIDDITCH! Favourite Team: Falmouth Falcons Spoken Languages: English
Fluent Sarcasm SPOILER!!: ♛T I M E L I N E 2077: Graced the world with her birth on 6 June 2078: Turns 1. Continues to be amazing 2079: Turns 2. Still gracing the world with her presence 2080: Turns 3. Moves from Russia to Bath, England after her paternal-grandparents passed away and her father inherited the Manor 2081: Turns 4 2082: Turns 5 2083: Turns 6 2084: Turns 7 2085: Turns 8 2086: Turns 9 2087: Turns 10 2088: Turns 11. Begins her education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, sorted into Slytherin, joins Duelling Club and Gobstones, her mother announces that she's pregnant 2089: Turns 12. Second Year at Hogwarts, get zombified, meets her lil Dragon-Princess-In-utero 2090: Turns 13. Fetus-Demon is stillborn, her father reveals that he cheated, she and her mother move back to Russia 2091: Turns 14. Attends her Third Year at Koldovstoretz and it is awful and it's bloody cold in Russia, she wants to go home, gets expelled from the school, mother has been pregnant all along and has been hiding the fact from Mason's father, after a MASSIVE argument with her mother, they move back to England, her brother Asher is born on 2 April Signature:  ♛ @MasonCamStevens ♛ Mason Camilia Stevens
Last edited by Hiraeth; 07-26-2016 at 09:07 PM.