DMAC & DMC Billywig
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 3,402
| Dragon Geisha/Toni-Toni Chopper/Master of Chocobos Alpha Goddess/ Darth Devious /Davvy's twinneh Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Her giggle was deceptively girly, considering he knew she could pack a punch harder than her room mates. And quite the sense of humour too. "As much as I love sweets, it doesn't really count as food." Food with substance was better than sweets, that was something he'd learned in the past five years. He was so wise now, see? Preaching about heathy diets and all. But if her cooking had anything to do with it, he didn't much care what it was. "Is that so?" he teased, brows arched in amusement. The wink, he was taking that to mean he'd definitely be up for some taste testing, but he had to make sure. "I'll have to be the judge of that," he replied smoothly, returning the wink.
Naturally, he was caring, so so caring, and despite their getting off on the wrong foot he'd come to realise Ilia wasn't so bad. Or rather, she was pretty great. "I've got your back, for sure." No questions asked. There was something about training with another person, in that even if you were both out to kick each others butts, it developed this sense of duty to them. And only you alone were allowed to kick said persons butt... or at least, this was the case for him. Not that she'd need saving. But he would if it came to it.
...... then there was that.
Zeke couldn't help but grin broadly, a natural and instantaneous response to having his ego stroked. Muscles. Yes. Dashing... yes, but... SHE said that? "Oh really? Dashing? You think so?" He might have been enjoying this too much. A little too much. "And here I thought you hated my smug face."
Curiosity was it though, and she seemed to know it. Either way, they were both here now. What remained to be seen was where they were going, and somehow he didn't think it would be Egypt or Asia... as nice as that would be. "Mmmmm," he murmured, the kind of enjoyment one got from a bite of choc fudge cake, or feeling the suns rays on their face after a bitter winter. It was dreamy. "Perhaps, but I suppose for now we'll have to make do with scaling castle walls and exploring hidden passageways, all the while misleading first years, though dragons... we could still do dragons." He was sure Amur would approve of the idea too. When did Zeke Brown become all nutritionally smart?....probably at the same time he got hot. A smirk crept across her ruby lips. "True, although I'm not all that much on sweet things. I really prefer the substance that meat has to offer." She wasn't your average girl, not at all. She preferred steak to cake honestly, especially as she got older. It was funny now that she was a bit more mature, how one could go from hating something so much to actually enjoying it. The smug sense of ego and humor that once bothered her to the point of enemity, now amused her to no end. "It is absolutely so. You'll just have to be the judge of it after some sparring matches this year. More delicious than ever." Her proclamation was proud, with a confident smile and her hands on her hips.
Him having her back and stating it without a moment's notice made her beam a smile up at him. To know that he truly had become her sparring partner and shared the unspoken sense of duty made her immeasurably happy. Yes she had initially just wanted to kick his butt, but now the butt kicking was the best game ever. He was the only person who seemed to get that and could go toe to toe on all levels. In it, she realized his honor and developed an oddly loyal bond to him. "As I've got yours....not that you need me to but...I'll have your butt whenever you do need me to." And that was definitely a giggle with that smile.
The puff of pomp and ego that used to enrage her, had her laughing nearly to tears. "Yes. Dashing. Perhaps like Mr. Bond, you do clean up rather well." She may have included a wiggle of the brows, for the sake of humor honestly. A chuckle and a feminine shrug was his reply for the hatred. " What can I say? That smug face has kinda grown on me. Your scars in the moonlight just mmm." Clearly smirking playfully and ready to laugh. "And here I thought that I was a crazy snake that needed to be reigned in so she'd quit touching you?" Cuz ....lean....she was touching you bro. Her shoulder was against his muscles and she smirked up at him happily. "I do graduate at the end of term and you're only a year behind me. Perhaps adventures yet to come." Now that, wasn't a joke. She had a taste of freedom now and she was going to enjoy it with all her heart. Listening to him though, she really liked the sound of it. "We could ride dragons around the school still....leave our marks on the hidden passageways to prove that we have conquered the castles secrets....confused all of the ickles and ruffle some feathers. " This was not a joke, this was a plausible idea. The thoughts were brewing and she gave him a look of serpentine elation. " I don't have to concern myself with my mother pulling me from school any longer.... I'd risk detention to turn this place on its head for a bit." |