Join Date: Sep 2005 Location: [GMT + 1]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Rose Snakebark Gryffindor Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: JT Forsfelle Slytherin Third Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Ariadne Rose Hufflepuff Third Year Ministry Department Head:
Violet Fawley Ecological Protection x3
| Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! SPOILER!!: Haddie Quote:
Originally Posted by Callie A small smile spread on Hadley's face when Kitridge talked about his son. You could almost feel the love and pride he had for the kid like it was heat radiating off of the man. Good. "I would love to see photos of him sometime." Maybe it was all the babysitting she did since moving to London, but Hadley Denaker was growing a soft spot for kids. She herself would probably be a terrible mother, but kids were adorable none-the-less.
The expression on her face once Mr. Kitridge addressed the situation at hand was a mixture of unpleasant tension and relief. She was still grateful for not getting a lecture, or having to discuss things in front of the entire school. But not so thrilled about not getting off without talking about it at all. Oh, well, she had pretty much expected it since discovering her robes or school clothes weren't in her trunk. "Yes, Mr. Kitridge," she said with a nod. All-in-all, it was going better than expected, so there was that. "I'll see you tomorrow afternoon then Hadley, now go back down to the claw table before the new headmaster arrives to give his speech." Leo instructed softly. He was hungry and he bet that Haddie was too. When she had left for the eagles he could finally claim his seat. Leo was thinking about doing that sooner when he spotted how eagerly Paul was waving at him. It almost looked like he was trying to swat flies with his hands. Beaming broadly at his dear friend he called over "Evening Paul, did you and Milton have a good summer vacation?"
Moving his gaze away from Paul it ended up landing on Tiara who incidentally was flashing him a beam. Leo returned it with genuine warmth as he thought of their shared academic event that wasn't that many day's away now that the year was kicking off. SPOILER!!: Roderick Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Not even your regular cat, more like a lynx that belonged somewhere in the desert. He cast a curious glance at the cat before slowly moving onwards to turn his attention to the others. It wasn't the weirdest thing that this castle could spew out so he wasn't fussed with its appearance, really. Instead, he addressed the other professors already up there. "Good evening, all. I take it you all had a great summer?" Politeness, you see. Especially needed in front of........ Leo was slowly making his way to take his seat and pass the cat which he still thought was a leopard when he was stopped by the arrival of yet another colleague. Turning to the be-spectacled DADA professor Leo beamed. "Good evening Roderick. I had a great summer. Getting married was definitely a highlight. How was your summer?" Hopefully it had been equally great and pleasant. SPOILER!!: Kyasha Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Kay shook the hand offered to her. Another older male staffer with charming ways. She surely appreciated this. "The same to you, Leobald.'' This man was interesting because he was the Librarian and the Head of House for Ravenclaw. "I was Sorted into Ravenclaw when I attended here. Do you think I could take a look at the Common Room sometime soon? I'd like to relive my seven years.'' They had been some of her best years. [/B] Finally Leo slipped into his seat at the table, just in time to shake hands with Kyasha. "You were a Ravenclaw? In what years did you go here?" He asked equally curious and excited. It would be nice to share his dinners with a fellow eagle by his side. Pulling his goblet towards him Leo poured in a few drops of water that he drank up to quench his thirst. Start of term feasts always led to a lot of talking and exchanging of pleasantries.
Nodding with a sideways glance at Kay he said "I'm sure that a visit can be arranged sometime this week. The Common Room hasn't changed much over the years but I'll let you be the judge of that. Maybe you'd like to accompany me sometime over next few days when I make my daily visit to the eagles?" SPOILER!!: Cece Quote:
Originally Posted by The1HBIC It took everything Cece had to make herself leave her twins to come back to work, but here she was, walking to her seat for another year as the school healer. Just the healer though, not as the Head of Slytherin House. As much as she hated giving up that position, she did it for her children so she would be able to spend more time with them. She knew Justin would do a good job keeping an eye on the snakes, and if he needed her help, well, all he had to do was ask. He did sit right next to her at the staff table after all.
Not noticing the cat or anything else going on at the table, Cece took her seat. Was it time for her to go home and see her babies yet? Cece's arrival to the dais did not go unnoticed. Turning his attention to the blond healer Leo greeted. "Good evening Cece, did you have a good summer?" They were both parents now and long time colleagues. He was though not going to ask her why she had given up her head of house position. It was probably not an easy decision to make. SPOILER!!: The headCAT speech Quote:
Originally Posted by Mohamed Sahnoun Suddenly, without warning, the cat stood up on all four paws and let out a loud cry. Those at the back of the hall were unlikely to hear it, but the staff and those with attentive ears at the front of the four House tables surely would have heard. It was time.
The pattern of the serval's fur began to expand, its ears grew small, its body quickly increased in size. Mere moments later, the African wild cat that was casually perched on the chair was no more. Now standing, looking out at the students, was a tall man clad in an orange-patterned cotton top. He smiled at those who had watched him return to his human form. Standing briefly in silence, he waited for those students at the dais to return to their seats before speaking. "Good evening. I would like to welcome each of you, old and new, to Hogwarts. Before I introduce myself, it has come to my attention dat dere are two new staff members dis term: Professah Yoon, who will be teaching Divination, and Professah Stewart, who will be teaching Muggle Studies. Please join me in welcoming dese ladies as dey each begin deir journey here at dis legendary school."
He clapped his hands together, shifting his posture first toward Professor Yoon and then at Professor Stewart. He gave each woman a courteous nod of his head before he faced the students again. "As you all can see, your da'ling Headmistress Moxley is not standing in front of you today. Da International Confederation of Wizards has arranged an exchange program for da headmastahs and headmistresses at each of da eleven major wizarding schools to promote international cooperation and broaden our own pedagogical perspectives," he explained with a warm smile, pausing to let his words sink in. "My name is Headmastah Sahnoun, and I taught alchemy at Uagadou School of Magic for twenty years before I became headmastah several years ago. Even dough I am far from my
homeland, I am so glad to be joining you at Hogwarts dis term."
He paused again, only this time to feel his stomach churn. The smile on his face grew wider, knowing that everyone else must have been just as hungry. A low chuckle escaped his lips. "I am sure dat you all have grown tired of listening to an old man ramble, so I will leave it at dat. Welcome to Hogwarts, and ready yourself for a year filled with many learning opportunities. Now, let us eat ... or, as we say at Uagadou, hebu kula!" The man then clapped his hands together and took his seat as food of all varieties appeared. Leo was glad that he was sitting down when the cat gave off a loud cry and then changed into the form of their new headmaster. Animagus transformations always unnerved him when he wasn't prepared. Listening attentively to the whole speech Leo was glad for when it was over and the food arrived. His stomach had by then been growling of hunger quite a few times. Ugadou? Hebu kula?
Unsure of what that foreign expression meant or where the Ugadou school was located geographically Leo focused on filling his plate with food. Pouring some cold pumpkin juice into his goblet he raised it as a toast in the new headmasters direction "Welcome to Hogwarts Headmaster Sahnoun! Nice traditional speech! What English dialect do you speak if you don't mind me asking?" It just slipped out. Leo was curious and he bet that his colleagues were too. SPOILER!!: Julien Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Hearing Leo's words Julien looked toward the man, "Your wife predicted us a good term?" He had been at the wedding this summer and the woman looked very nice, but he wasn't sure he believed in the seeing stuff. To each their own though. The new muggle studies professor got a smile. Now food! With his mouth full of steak and gravy and strips Leo didn't immediately answer Julien's inquiry. Swallowing the food down with some juice he said. "Yes, she did. Cassie's predictions are sometimes uncannily accurate." They could also be totally wrong but that was another story. "But anyway, did you have a good summer Julien?" Leo would leave the explaining of the fine art of seering to Julien to the new Divination professor. SPOILER!!: Art Quote:
Originally Posted by Jessiqua "Good evening Leo," Art said happily. "Well did she?" Another Diviner, he knew. But the gesture was kind. "Good to know, I say," he chuckled. "How was your summer?" Turning to Art, Leo was going to answer something lengthier but all that was heard was a muffled. "Yesssss she did..." since his mouth was full of delicious food. Swallowing Leo asked with a warm smile "Did you take Divination in your youth Art?" Who knew maybe the potioneer hid a passionate diviner? "My summer was splendid. I got to visit the Easter Isles with Cassie. It was quite extraordinary to look at those statues. Did you go anywhere on your summer break?"
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