Carl, Esme, Anyone really! Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen Really, all Azura wanted to do was go find her cousin and hide behind him all night. Away from the noise and the din and clatter of people and the dreaded.. "How was your summer." Because really, how did she answer that without lying? Telling the truth wasn't an option right now..
Sadly her search for Wes hadn't turned up much at the Gryffindor table, so she decided to try the Hufflepuff table.. Some of her friends were there.. Brady, Esme, Torie., perhaps she could go sit with them?
Jace was no where to be seen and Azura was now regretting telling him about what happened.. She should have sat there.. and asked about his summer instead of spilling everything out.. "Hey Esme." She said with a smile as she sat down next to her friend.. and then waved at everyone at the table.. Was that.. Carl? She had dueled him last term but never really gotten to talk to him.. "Hello Carl, and Brady,, and everyone else I don't know." She said with a warm.. but fake smile on her face. |