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Old 05-03-2016, 06:53 PM   #7 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Colt was really deep in his thoughts when he didn't even notice Mason was there. He jumped a little bit and muttered, "Bloody merlin..." and then he gave her his full attention. "Oh I am not moping I was just lost in thought." That was a valid excuse. He smirked at her little insult and agreed, "That is true I do like my food.." He could even smell it and his stomach was growling. "How come your not in there? I thought you would be the first one." It wasn't the best come back but that is all he got.

He looked around and smirked and mentioned, "Remember your first year we got in trouble for the food fight and the bloody baron hated us."

Mason couldn't help but smirk when he gave a little jump. Served him right, he'd done the exact same to her at Florean's, granted he wasn't about to try and roundhouse her like she was going to. Until you saw who it was, and how pretty he had gotten.

"You? Lost in thought? I can't imagine that." She clamped her mouth shut after that, their little banter with one another had been the reason that they didn't talk for like 5 months. She'd have to ease up on the insults, because she really didn't want a repeat of last year.

"Pfffttt, as if!" he had basically used her insult as a comeback, but she wasn't gonna comment on it, it didn't seem like Colt was in the right mind-set to insult her tonight. "Girls don't eat, it is known." Obviously this was false, and her stomach chose that exact moment to growl, disproving her statement even more.

Mason couldn't help but groan when he mentioned her very first Feast, "Merlin, don't remind me!" she gave a little laugh as she though back to the way the Baron had chastised them, "And Murdoch! I bet that she still has it out for me, one toe over the line and I'll be scrubbing those dungeons again." That had probably been the most disgusting thing that Mason ever had to do. O___o She'd rather die than clean rotten-food like a Muggle again.

"OHHHHH! Didn't you hear, though? I heard that Murdoch may have stepped down from being Head of House! McDreamboat might be stepping into her place!"
And she was going to be sure not to make him too angry, since y'know he was hawt.
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