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Old 05-03-2016, 06:19 PM   #5 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Join Date: Dec 2015
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The slytherin needed a minute.

He was relishing the fact he was going to start his fifth year at Hogwarts. He was slowly growing up and now this term he had to take his owls. He was not looking forward to that to say the least. He saw everyone else walk past them in their robes not having a care in the world. He used to be one of those kids last term to be exact.

He didn't see any signs of Peeves yet which is a good thing. He didn't want to get pelted with balloons or anything of the sort.

Merlin was it good to be back!

The castle was as beautiful and awe-inspiring as it had been when she had first seen it, teetering atop the water in those little wooden boats. This time however, they had been taken up to the castle in these super-spooky ghost-carriages. . . which had been epic to say the least.

But Mason's stomach was already rumbling something fierce, her mouth watering as her thoughts turned towards the food that they were about to receive. Hmmmmm, she could already taste the pie. . .

She was about to enter the hall, her stomach leading her feet towards the super sexy Slytherin Table, when her eyes landed on a familiar figure standing besides the Great Doors. Colt.

Her empty-stomach did a little flop. She hadn't seen the older boy since the summer, but he seemed a lot. . . downer than he had been those few weeks ago. Had something happened over that time? Merlin, she really hoped not.

Despite the growl from her stomach, Mason abandoned her quest to the Table, instead turning towards the boy. "What are you moping about?" she asked when she reached him, "I'd have thought that you'd be the first at the table. . ." He was still so damn cute though. The drooling wasn't just for the food anymore. . .
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