Thread: Staff Dais
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Old 05-03-2016, 02:44 PM   #23 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Was it true? Was Murdoch really not Head of House anymore?

These weren't tears of grief or sorrow, no. They were much more delightful, well they would be if someone could confirm all these damn rumours. And there was only one way to find out if the best news ever was actually true. . . go up to the Staff Dias and ask the Healer herself (or anyone else, cause Murdoch was actually really scary) And like any totally sane person would do, especially those who just LOVED authority, Mason made her way towards the Dias cause #YOLO

Wait. . . what? o___o

Role-call real quick here: Primeaux, (cute) Finch, Draper, (adorable) Paul, (hawt) McLeod, (suited) Flamsteed, (Animagi) Newton, and two women she didn't even fricken know. . .

Mason halted, her mission already forgotten, confusion written all over her face. Who were these new people??!! And why the hell was there a CAT in the Great Hall??? What the hell was going on here?

Was this seriously gonna be like last year? With all those freaky freaks freaking about? Mason really didn't hope so, that Hag almost ate some of her friends and that creepy Poltergal had watched her sleep, so noooooo thank youuuuu. Plus that doll was hella weird. . .

Wait. . . why was she here again? Oh Yeahhhhh! Mission, duh.
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