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Old 05-03-2016, 01:20 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Alfie Adair
Fourth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Laini Gracae-Ryans
Third Year
x10 x1
Default *does quotes apparently* (sorry about him, fam)
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo

James acknowledged the other new person with a quiet nod. Honestly she was far away enough that he could get away without an introduction for now. There'd be plenty of time to get to know each other. He never liked these feasts anyways. Much too obnoxious to enjoy a proper meal and not a great time for getting to know people, not that he was sure he wanted to get to know people in the first place... But even if he did, the feast probably wasn't the first place he'd go to do it. Hopefully these new people would understand. And if they didn't, whatever. They could join the list of people James' didn't get along with. No harm, no foul.

Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Oh and there was James, Julien turned his head to greet the COMC Professor, "Evening James, did you find a new study for class this term?" Maybe it was his or maybe he could use it for a lesson if it wasn't.

Turning back towards Julien, James caught just enough to hear of the man's idea for a prank against their dear friend Mr Airhead Flamsteed. He didn't let his facial expression change to express his liking to the idea. But.... It was noted. James had to pay the man back for blowing a hole into his door, after all.

As for the man's question... James silently considered the man for a second before answering, "Of course..." His voice stained with *??* and very slightly of annoyance. What kind of question was that? He couldn't just teach them the same material over and over again? What kind of Professor did Primeaux think James was? "And yourself?" Julien wasn't planning on stuffing the kids into a classroom and giving them another exam the first day, was he? That's right. James could play this game too.

Originally Posted by Callie View Post
Hadley stopped as she passed Moxxy's seat, and backed up. Was that a wildcat? Nevermind, don't want to know. She shook her head and continued on. "Um, hi, lady I've never seen before..." New professor? And finally Hadley Denaker reached her target. The seat of James Draper... This is why she wanted to get up here as soon as she could. So she could slip a sign-up sheet for auditions for a Swan Lake ballet on the table in front of his chair. Only what would you know? He picks this term to be on time. And showed up just as she was dropping the paper on the table. Well, no sense hiding it now. "Drapes." She gave her nemesis a polite nod and turned away, making her way casually back to the Ravenclaw table, all the while singing, "♫You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life. See that girl, watch that scene, diggin' the Dancing Queen♫"
Maybe this is what had brought on the onset mood of his. Knowing that after what had been such a peaceful summer, he'd have to return to some of his least favorite students. This one included. Seeing her making her way over to the table, with a look of determination and mission at mind, James braced himself. Wasn't there a rule about not disturbing the Professors during feast times?

And though he hadn't known the caster of that well placed dancing hex from last term, all bets were on this one. "Professor Draper," he corrected her calmly. This nickname had to S T O P. He wasn't pleased with it at all, though he was good at keeping his cool. As she dropped her "flyer" on his desk, he made a quick glance down at it... "Watch who you cast at, Denaker. I'll be watching closely." And that's all he had to say on this matter. So she best be careful. Though he had no way to prove that she was the one that had hexed him last term, he wouldn't let a similar act go unpunished this year.

He practically already had a detention cell reserved for her. Sorry not sorry. Guilty until proven innocent.
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
He sent waves to Julien, Art, Ansley...all familiar faces. Where was Justin? Ohhhhh JUUUUUSTIN? Paul adored his young colleague, and loved that he sat near the fellow. He also spotted James. Oh, good ole' James. "Where is your tutu, eh?" he winked, as if he thought James would enjoy this joke. Paul knew he would not. But HE still thought it was funny.
................... No, he didn't find it funny.

"Hilarious," his voice drenched in sarcasm and teeth gritted. He wasn't looking forward to this particular arrival. "Left the poncho at home this time, have you? I much preferred that getup, believe it or not." Had the man forgotten that his lazy island days were over? Did someone have to pinch the man back into reality because James wouldn't mind being the one to slap the man with a hard, cold dose of reality.

In other words, Paul looked ridiculous. James was not happy. And he hadn't forgotten about the man's addition to the incident last term.

He was in a terrible mood already.

So much for starting off the term on a good note.
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