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Old 05-03-2016, 08:16 AM   #9 (permalink)

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Potions taught by the stut-t-tering Potion Master
Arthur Orville Newton

Antidote to Common Poisons

Counteract the effects of common poisons

  • 1 Bezoar
  • 2 measures of Standard Ingredient
  • 1 pinch of unicorn horn
  • 2 mistletoe berries
  • 2 cups of water

  • Add 1 Bezoar to the mortar
  • Crush into a very fine powder using the pestle
  • Add 4 measures of the crushed Bezoar to your cauldron
  • Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron
  • Add 2 cups of water to your cauldton
  • Heat to a medium temperature for 5 seconds
  • Leave to brew for 5 minutes
  • Add 1 pinch of Unicorn Horns to your cauldron
  • Stir 2 times, clockwise
  • Add 2 Mistletoe Berries to your cauldron
  • Stir 2 times, anti-clockwise
  • Leave to sit for at least 2 minutes before using

Animal Whisperer Potion

Allows the drinker to understand what their pet is thinking (results vary depending on connection with pet)

  • 6 cups water
  • 15 fresh Belladonna leaves
  • 3 dried Fluxweed sprigs, roughly crushed in mortar and pestle (picked during a full moon, and dried over one week)
  • 0.5mL Wormwood essence
  • 2Tbsp Lacewing flies
  • 1tsp honey
  • 1tsp water
  • 0.1mL Boomslang venom
  • 1 crushed Unicorn Horn
  • 1 measure of your animal

  • Add 6 cups of water to you cauldron, and light a small flame. Simmer the water for 5 minutes to slowly heat to an appropriate temperature
  • Pluck the 15 leaves of Belladonna from the sprigs, will need approximately 2 sprigs, and add them to the cauldron once five minutes is up
  • Gather the 3 sprigs of dried Fluxweed, and roughly crush in mortar and pestle. Only enough to increase the surface area, then add to the cauldron
  • Simmer for a further 3 minutes
  • Stir with a wooden stirrer, three times, clockwise
  • Measure, with a 1ml syringe, your Wormwood essence, and add to the cauldron.
  • Measure 0.1mL Boomslang venom in a different syringe and place to the side for a moment
  • Clean the mortar and pestle, add one unicorn horn, and crush it to a fine powder, then add the Boomslang venom. Mix together (it will not make a paste) and set aside for three minutes, then add to the cauldron.
  • Simmer the cauldron for three minutes, then stir three times, clockwise
  • Clean the mortar and pestle, and add two tablespoons of Lacewing flies, one teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of water, and crush until it makes a smooth paste. Carefully add the paste to the cauldron

Aging Potion
[slightly modified from
Professor Bontecou]

Causes the drinker to advance in age

  • 100ml Red Wine
  • 10ml Prune Juice
  • 2g Hairy fungus, mashed
  • 2g Tortoise Shell, powdered
  • 5g Caterpillar, sliced
  • 1 Bat Tongue, diced

  • Prepare all ingredients as listed in the ingredients list, weighing and measuring each carefully.
  • Slowly heat the red wine and prune juice and begin stirring clockwise until you can just see bubbles starting to form. (The mixture will be dark purple/brown)
  • Immediately add the Hairy Fungus and continue to stir clockwise for ten minutes. (The mixture will slowly fade to a lighter purple/brown)
  • Continuing to stir clockwise, add the tortoise shell. (The mixture will be a creamy color)
  • After eight minutes, remove the cauldron from the heat and add the caterpillar and bat tongue, making sure to continue to stir the solution in a clockwise motion for five minutes, until it changes to a creamy green colour.
  • As the potion cools, it will turn emerald green. Once it is completely cooled (about fifteen to twenty minutes), you may cease dispense the potion into appropriate vials for storage.

Characteristics: Emerald Green
Level: Advanced
Information: The effects are dosage based; the more ingested, the older one will age

Girding Potion
[slightly modified from
Professor Lafay]

Increasea stamina and endurance

  • 4 cups of Water
  • 50 dragonfly thoraxes (40 toasted and 10 untoasted)
  • 1 set of fairy wings (2 wings)
  • 3 flying seahorses
  • 12 doxy eggs (4 measures of 3 eggs each)

  • Clean equipment
  • Fill cauldron with water
  • Add the set of fairy wings, then heat until the potion turns turquoise
  • Add one measure of doxy eggs (3 eggs), then heat until the potion turns pink
  • Add 20 toasted dragonfly thoraxes until potion turns red (might not take all 20)
  • Heat until the potion turns blue
  • Add the remaining 20 toasted dragonfly thoraxes until the potion turns silver (might not take all 20)
  • Heat until the potions turns red again
  • Add the remaining 3 measures of doxy eggs (9 eggs)
  • Add the 10 untoasted dragonfly thoraxes, then heat until the potion turns blue again
  • Add 3 flying seahorses, then heat until the potion turns green

Characteristics: Green
Level: Beginner

Wiggenweld Potion
[slightly modified from
Professor Lafay]

To awaken someone from a potioned induced deep sleep

  • 3 Litres of Water
  • 2 cups Horklump juice
  • 2 drops flobberworm mucus
  • 7 chizpurfle fangs
  • 1 Tablespoon of Billywig sting slime
  • A sprig of mint
  • 1 stewed mandrake (pre-stewed, ready to go)
  • 7 drops of honeywater
  • 1 cup of sloth brain Mucus
  • 2 moondew drops
  • pinch of the powdered root of asphodel
  • 2 cups of shredded dittany
  • whole two inch piece of Wiggentree bark
  • 7 Moly petals
  • 1 cup of Salamander blood
  • Ten Lionfish spines
  • 1 Unicorn horn
  • 2 Wolfsbane roots, roughly diced
  • 1 cup of boom berry juice (room temperature)

  • Clean equipment
  • Fill cauldron with water and bring to a boil
  • Pour half the Horklump juice into mortar
  • Add mucus, fangs and slime
  • Crush fangs until the entire mix turns into a bright purple goo
  • Add the goo and the rest of the horklump juice to cauldron
  • Rip sprig of mint in half and toss it in the cauldron
  • Take the mandrake in a gloved hand, cover it in the 7 drops of honeywater, quarter the mandrake and add it to the cauldron
  • Add cup of sloth brain Mucus
  • Add the 2 moondew drops and stir once counter clockwise, then another time clockwise
  • Sprinkle a pinch of the powdered root of asphodel to the cauldron.
  • Add the two cups of shredded dittany
  • Follow it up almost immediatly by the whole two inch piece of Wiggentree bark
  • Float seven Moly petals on the surface
  • Slowly add the cup of salamander blood
  • Roughly crush the lionfish spines and add to the cauldron
  • Grate unicorn over the cauldron
  • Add Wolfsbane
  • Stir 20 times counter clock wise
  • Let simmer
  • Turn off burner
  • Add room temperature Boom Berry Juice

Level: Intermediate

Elixir to Induce Euphoria
[slightly modified from
Professor Kazimeriz]

To induce happiness and excitement to the Drinker

  • 2 cups water
  • 12 drops fluxweed oil
  • 1 vervain root, minced finely
  • Inner membrane and fluid from 3 bloodroot stems
  • 3 drams calendula pollen
  • 1 dried asphodel root, crushed to a fine powder
  • 1 Hyacinth flower, whole
  • 1 lovage leaf (small)
  • 1 bouncing bulb, shredded
  • sprig of peppermint
  • 2 tablespoons of slime from the belly of a live frog
  • 1 dried billywig sting
  • 1 alihotsy leaf
  • 1 drop glumbumble fluid
  • 3 drops infusion of wahoo bark

  • Clean equipment
  • Add water to cauldron and light a low flame
  • Preparing an infusion of wahoo bark; shred one stem of bark and soak in one cup of cold water.
  • Add 6 drops fluxweed oil to water
  • Split the bloodroot stems lengthwise with your knives and scrape out all fluid and fibrous material from inside the stems.
  • Crush with mortar and pestle into a fine paste and add to the cauldron.
  • Stir slowly until a light steam rises from the cauldron, alternating clockwise and counterclockwise stirring
  • Slowly introduce the calendula pollen into the potion, stirring clockwise.
  • Crush the vervain root and add asphodel powder, adding the remaining 6 drops of fluxweed oil to form a thick paste. Add to the potion - you should see the color shift pink briefly.
  • Add the Hyacinth and stop stirring, waiting until the mixture begins to boil.
  • Drop in the lovage leaf; your potion will begin rapidly changing color.
  • Leaving the potion to continue boiling, shred the bouncing bulb.
  • Add the shredded bouncing bulb bits, stirring until dissolved.
  • Your potion should still be shifting color and bubbling, and should occasionally have droplets bouncing up and down now.
  • Add the peppermint, then cover your cauldron and turn off your flame. At this time, allow your potion to steep while you harvest the slime off the belly of the frog.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of the frog slime, then stir three times clockwise. Add the billywig sting and the remainder of the slime.
  • Add one whole alihotsy leaf and follow IMMEDIATELY with a drop of glumbumble fluid.
  • Bring back up to a boil for 60 seconds
  • Turn your flame back off and add three drops from the wahoo bark infusion to the potion as it cools.
  • Your potion should be an iridescent concoction that shifts from one vibrant color to another and seems to be slowly bubbling even when cool.

Level: Advanced
Characteristics: Iridescent, shifts between vibrant colours, appearing to slowly bubble even when cold

Last edited by Jessiqua; 07-31-2016 at 12:17 PM.
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