and anyoneeeee... ½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf He was home... again, only to the school version of it. It had occurred to him that it was maybe a little weird they didn't get to go home at the end of the day. Like, floo or portkey could totally work. At least the advantages of being here outweighed the disadvantages. That was something.
With his usual swagger in his step, Zeke ruffled the front of his hair as he entered the hall, his other hand buried in his pocket.
Could they eat now please? He was STARVING... always.
He peered around the hall, searching for faces he knew at other tables as he continued to make his way along his own. "Congrats on the badge, Kaycee," he beamed, passing the newwwwwww female Prefect. Like, what even happened to Candice? Not that it really mattered, like, she wasn't dead. Right? At any rate, things would be easier this way, he was sure of it.
Eventually he stopped at a gap and inserted himself between people, his elbows resting against the wood and his eyes now longing for foodz, or more to the point, the lack of food on their plates. How sad. Even Flammers under the table couldn't distract him from his despair.
Somebody feed him.
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