Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOOOOOOOPE.
Descending from the staff dais like an albino bat - because gold billowing robes - Airey clutched Pebbles to his person and threw his house's table a rushed, but no less enthusiastic, Vulcan salute. "Live long and prosper, Gryffindors! Let's make this a STELLAR term! ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR!" he shouted before throwing himself to the ground on all fours.
Well, alright, it was technically on all threes since one limb was taking careful consideration of Pebbles.
Now, if you all would just excuse him, he was going to crawl his way under the length of the table in manly dramatic fashion while muttering to himself in Klingon to ensure he was out of sight from the feline monster at the staff table. He knew THAT much...that those things did not have x ray vision...so he would lose it in the sea of Gryffindor robes and wooden furniture.
Sweet solstice some students could do with a good shoe polish... Melbourne Johanson had come prepared. Yep. She even had stuck and umbrella to the table so in case feathers and glue were thrown again at least the food on the plates near hers would be safe….still looking up from her umbrella she spotted the crazy interesting Head of House…crawling under the table?
Looking down under the table for a moment. “Professor I’ve got something for Pebbles” Mel grinned. Yep. Going with the whole gift for the Professor’s thing…rock friend rock lover? Rock girlfriend? Yep. “It’s startrek things for Pebbles” she smiled as she dropped the box onto the floor and slid it over toward the strange Professor.
“I really hope no one has smell feet for your sake” she muttered before righting herself and curling her own feet below her.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________ |