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Colt grinned when Dora finally made her way to the table, he had to comment though. "Don't leave on my account. Your friends over there seem to want to talk to you.." he motioned towards them. He heard her question and shrugged. "Eh it was alright and yeah I do know her. She is a piece of work she is. Her name is Callie. I met her last year. She takes a bit getting to know.." Those were the only words he could come up with. Now onto their train conversation. "Now back to the conversation we had, so we were talking about my looks.." he smirked. Now he was gonna be like that person. He was going to milk this moment in. "Also tell me of your travels too. I wanna know." He looked at his cup and wished pumpkin juice was in it.
Pffft! Whatever!! Colt had TOTALLY wanted her to come sit with him. Hehe. "
I can talk to them when I go back over or when we get to the common room. I wanted to come talk to you and admire your face." Okay so she was totally just inflating his ego now, but it was fun and he really WAS hotter now. Heh.
I met her once last term, too. In the observatory. But she called me Nim... so I think I have to make her life miserable now." Because OBVIOUSLY her name was Dora, not Nim. Never Nim.
OH! I went to Bali with my family and Casper and then we spent the last few weeks of summer in Santorini. We love Greece." That was where she had been born anyway! "
And I got FLOWERS on the train. From a boy." So like... all the other boys needed to step it up now.