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Still waiting.
Where was everyone? Were they lost? Did they fall in the lake an drown? WHERE WAS KATERINA?! Where was his best friend? Why was she not here? Why did he not see her on the train? Why did she not sit with him? He just had way too many questions right now. He couldn't even focus on one thing.
As he was about to get up from the table and leave to go to one that was more packed with people...the Ravenclaw table more likely because he wanted to make sure that Azura was really okay, he saw one of the prefect stop over to the table. Brady nodded at Norah. "Yeah, the candy didn't really fill me up at all." The Scottish boy said.
As he wanted for Norah to say something else to him, his blue-green eyes scanned the room for his best friend. His eyes stopped over at the professors seating area because he saw a cat near Professor Baldy. O_____O Then out of nowhere there was a person tackle hugging him and he knew who this person was. Kat! IT WAS KAT! "KATERINA!" Oh my god it was his best friend! HIS BEST FRIEND WAS HERE! Bradson hugged her back tightly.
More people? Someone had just sat next to him. The second year turned towards the person (Miranda). "Hey!" The Scottish boy smiled brightly. "I'm Brady!" He greeted the girl. "Nice to meet you Miranda." He was pretty sure that he had never seen her before.
Miranda couldn't believe her ears.... Someone had said hello back... It was a miracle. Now the only thing she needed to do was not look like a complete newb..
" Hi, Brady. Nice to meet you. I'm a first year. I'm a bit nervous . I don't have any friends."
" OMG! "She thought to herself..." YUP that just happened. You told a boy you haven't any friends.... Good one" she just looked down at her folded hands on the table. She hoped he wouldn't mock her for her newness and general patheticness.