She was taking a moment.
The last two big feasts had been
complete and utter disasters trying experiences and
Nana Ichihara was absolutely, and totally expecting a repeat. Which had lead her to the decision to have charmed her entire outfit, her makeup, and
her hair water-proof, spill-proof, and poltergeist-proof. She would rather be prepared than come up short a third time around.
So far the assembly seemed lively, but relatively civilized and to her great pleasure, there was not one sign of Peeves or that hideously familiar Miffy.
Truly, today was a white stone day. Ought she to step in proper? From where she stood, Nana could easily escape back into the castle without anyone's
- Namely James Draper, Miffy or Peeves' - notice, and she wasn't sure she was quite ready to give up this tactical vantage point
just yet.