Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Start of another school term... Ansley had managed to survive last year without too much drama, and he was looking forward to another year of educating young minds and all that jazz. He had put the last few finishing touches on his office, hoping to keep it a little less cluttered this year and headed into the great hall before the students were due to arrive.
Noting just a few at the table, he nodded his greeting as he found his seat. "Julien.. hope you had a nice summer." He gave a smile to one of the newer staff. "Kaysha.. good to see you. Are you going to sit?" Was she unsure which seat was hers? He had that uncertainty last year when he was new.
And there was also a rather large cat sat in the middle. Not much surprised him about this place, having been a student for seven years and now being a teacher here, so he simply nodded at the creature once he took him in with his eyes sufficiently. "And a good evening to you too." Ansley took a sip of his water, still keeping the cat in his peripheral vision and hoping that he wasn't about to pounce. He did have his wand very close just in case. "Wonder if he's got a name," he murmured.
He also sent a casual wave over to the Potions Master as well. "Hello, Art. Glad to be back?" He looked awfully distraught. Perhaps it was fear that the cat would eat his pet? Hopefully none of that would be happening at the feast. Though he supposed that would be something of a feast for the cat now wouldn't it? He stifled a chuckle as he took another sip of water.
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |