~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Kaysha, dressed in a brand new dress with her robes over it, was not one bit nervous to be meeting her new colleagues nor getting the first sight of her soon- to- be- students. She had been teaching all her life so that once shy girl had grown into a confident, strong woman. She approached the familiar staff table, pausing for a bit as blue eyes roving around the Great Hall. Nothing had changed in the years since she had graduated. Her eyes found the Ravenclaw table, her old House. She could still picture her younger self sitting there.
Onwards she continued to the staff table, thinking that she would see a few familiar faces at least Ansley for sure who had been her friend since the days she started Hogwarts. He had also assisted, on occasions, her in teaching the group of students she gave extra lessons to. Kay suddenly paused yet again but this time to blink at the strange sight before her. Hello, were her eyes deceiving her? Was that really a cat there?
"Is it really safe to sit?'' the newbie asked the man (Primeaux) sitting at the table already with great uncertainty.
The cat made her nervous. |