Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ Penelope confidently strode into the prefects compartment, Head Girl badge prominently displayed on her cardigan where everyone would be able to see it. Looked like she was the second one here. Rooney Bronwyn? What had happened to Thornton? It was obvious that Rooney wasn’t just looking for Sophie Brown this year; there was a prefect badge pinned to Rooney’s robes. He was finally a prefect! Penelope had always been sure that Rooney would become a prefect one day, but she hadn’t been expecting it so soon. Usually prefect badges were only given to students in fifth year or above, but Rooney was a prefect as a fourth year. ”Rooney! Congratulations! I’ve always known you would be a prefect.” Maybe he could even be Head Boy one day.
After setting her purple cat carrier down on a seat and putting her butterfly backpack down, Penelope took a seat and let Orion out of the cat carrier. Orion walked over her lap and went to meet Rooney’s cat. Where were all the other prefects? Had there been any other changes in prefects? Who was Head Boy? No, they probably weren’t late. She must have been early. While waiting for the other prefects to arrive, Penelope took some time to think about how she felt about being Head Girl. Penelope had been somewhat surprised by the Head Girl badge. There were at least two other girls in her year who were prefects. The headmistress must have seen something in Penelope that Penelope didn’t always see in herself. It was amazing how she had grown so much in confidence and leadership ability during the previous six years. Now she was Head Girl and a seventh year. She was actually going to be graduating not that long from now. For the first time that day, Penelope thought about how she was a seventh year and this was her last train ride to Hogwarts ever. Hello, seventh year feels. She would have to think more about that later though, because now she needed to do important Head Girl things like making sure prefects patrolled the train.
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