I did this to most of my characters
Ava is ESTP (I forgot if she's Assertive or Turbulent, but I'm guessing T) and it's quiet scary because she has the same personality type as me
Sora is ISTJ-A (just took the test

and here's more:
Raven Schultz (formerly Charlotte), my first charrie at term 29-30 - INTJ
Gerald Rush (the Apple Head Boy

) - ISTP
Kang Micky (my current MoM) - ENTP
Bianca Rush (my filling charrie on term 39) - ESTJ
Jackson Hwang (my first Gryffindor charrie on term 40) -ESFP
Christina Jung (my current MoM charrie too) - INFJ
Dimitri Burton (my former MoM yeaaars ago) - ESFJ