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Old 04-28-2016, 10:40 PM   #211 (permalink)

Antipodean Opaleye
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Originally Posted by Callie View Post
My goals for this term:

1. Get a better sense of a spell's difficulty level before deciding if Hadley can cast it or not (I think I messed that up quite a bit last term, partially as it's not always easy to know if a spell is out of a charries abilities)
2. Don't get expelled.
3. Pace myself slightly better, so I can be a part of all the things without burning out.
4. Did I mention not getting expelled?
5. Have fun and play with all people (sadly not possible, but we'll try to play with all who are interested )
6. Give myself permission to join all the plots, because "it's not crashing other people's scenes" and is actually encouraged
7. Getting into the Chamber of Secrets with Mason
8. Flooding a teacher's office
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