The students that belong to the great house of Salazar Slytherin should show their pride to the rest of the school. So why not start here? This board is reserved for all snakes to express their pride via creativity. Not graphic-savvy? No worries! You can simply write a story, paragraph or even a haiku to showcase what being a Slytherin means to you. Need some inspiration to start off? Check out these past threads here: [I] [II] [III] Graphic RulesAvatars: 100 x 100 pixels & 20 kb Signatures: 450 x 200 pixels & 60 kb Profile pics: 350 x 350 pixels & 60 kb No posts consisting of comments on others work here. Appreciate the artist via VM / PM. No hotlinking graphics. Save and upload them onto your image hosting account. Be sure to credit the image(s) you plan to use. Most importantly, have fun! Charely Potter: