Inside Kitty | HIT ENTER | UNO Queen Jo pulled her robes tight around her, as usual when entering the dark and musty dungeon. She always felt like she was being watched, ever since first year. Jo suspected it was the ever watchful eye of Snape on her. Her dad had always told her to ignore it, that she was just paranoid.. but all the same, her robes were wrapped tight.
Taking her usual seat she unpacked her quills, laying them in a neat row. A loud "mmmmRAP" made her freeze though. Slowly, she stood to have a peep in her cauldron, where the noise had came from. Just as she got her eyes over the brim, the biggest toad Joey had ever seen hopped out and into her lap. She shrieked and jumped up. Snape came dashing in from his office, so Joey took it upon herself to just get out..
She ran to the door and out in the hall, half considering marching right to her daddy..But, didn't. Instead she took a seat in a dark corner and calm down. |