Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Ruined opening feast, ruined closing feast. Should he even be surprised? Not anymore. Carrying his peace offering for Ariadne, Jace strolled down the middle cars in search of his fellow first year. She had been kind enough to let him sit by the Slytherin table, only to leave her without a word due to a panic attack. He didn't like the sensation of being dumped with sticky glue...and to add insult to injury, raven feathers. Jace tried to broaden his mind, thinking that it must be the poltergeists' way of saying congratulations...but then again, they ruined his first closing feast.
Hearing a familiar voice, Jace let himself wander into an almost full compartment, and his eyes immediately stared at the head full of raven feathers. Torrance is one eccentric boy, isn't he? Nonetheless, he is a good companion to be with.
Tap. Tap. "Hey Torrance...we never got the chance to see the Flobberworms explode." Jace shrugged and let his attention wander to the rest of the inhabitants of said compartment. "Ohayo." he said, inclining his head to the rest of the girls.
Wait...hold the freaking Raven feathers.
Is that Haddie?! Jace never learned how to act cool around her. She seemed to come off as too strong for the zen kid. Despite his surprise, Jace did acknowledge her presence.
Maybe...maybe he should just go and show himself out? Besides, Ariadne isn't with them.
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |