Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧ RAVENCLAW HAD WON THE HOUSE CUP! Not only had they won the house cup, but they had also won the gobstones cup. It was so exciting to actually win for once. Penelope walked over to an end of the table where everyone would be able to see her. "Congratulations to all of the Ravenclaws for winning the house cup and the gobstones championship! I'm proud of all of you. Without the effort put in by everyone, Ravenclaw wouldn't have been able to win." Because of the events at the start of term feast, Penelope had cast an impervious charm on her robes before coming downstairs to the great hall. If they were lucky, nothing horrible would happen. She found a seat at the table near Tia. "Hi Tia. It's been wonderful to work with you and get to know you this year, and I think you will accomplish amazing things in the future." Tia had inspired Penelope to think more about what sort of things she wanted to do after her own graduation. After the headmistress' speech, Penelope put food on her plate and started to eat. Penelope was planning on finding Haddie and some of the other first years to congratulate them on completing their first year. So far, so good. No food fights or horrible disasters.
The peace and quiet did not last long, however, as there were soon poltergeists descending upon the Ravenclaws with glue and feathers. Penelope felt something wet land on her head. What was that? She looked up to see Peeves and his girlfriend pouring glue on everyone. There were feathers in her food. More importantly, there were feathers glued in her hair. GLUED. IN. HER. HAIR. It was going to take a lot of conditioner and combing to unglue those feathers. She was not amused at all by this prank, but she wasn't going to give the poltergeists the satisfaction of a dramatic reaction. Remaining calm and temporarily ignoring her hair emergency, Penelope stood up and pulled her wand out of her robe pocket. Penelope cast shield charms around the table to protect the Ravenclaws from any further attacks. "Protego!" The shield had probably gone up too late to spare people from being covered in glue and feathers, but it at least provided a sense of security. Maybe she should make a shield around the table at every feast. Looked like Thornton was getting Mr. Kitridge. "Is everyone alright? Does anyone need help?" She needed to make sure that her eagles were okay.
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