Originally Posted by
Hadley shook her head as she stood, carefully cradling the three books in front of her. A small smirk threatened to spread on the young girl's mouth at the sight of her prim and proper Transfiguration Professor's entrance, but she managed to contain it. Barely. "No. I just wanted to give you your books back." She held them out delicately for Nana to collect. She how responsible she was being, Nana? Huh? "And to say 'thank you...'"
The way her voice trailed at the end made it clear that that wasn't all she wanted to say, but instead of continuing, Haddie's eyes drifted to the floor as if she wasn't sure what to say next. "And I hope..." Yep, she was clearly having a bit of trouble figuring out what to say, or at least how to say it. The was so much she did want to say and yet it felt pointless to say. It just seemed foolish to say, Oh hi, I hope you'll let me start animagus training next year, when it had already been decided she would be returning to muggle school next year. Though, Haddie wasn't giving up that easily, oh no. "...I hope to see you next year," she said finally. "Anyway, here." She shifted her grip on the books so they were easier for Nana to take. "Thank you."
.... Haddie was such a different creature now. Nana could see the difference quite clearly, the energy was there, but it was subdued now, likely because of her own presence, but it was a welcome change and Nana Ichihara was just a tiny bit impressed.
a tiny bit. "It was a pleasure to loan them to you, miss Denaker." she replied, taking the books and glancing over their care-worn appearance. She watched the young girl, dark eyes widening just a little as silence fell for much longer than she expected, still, she said nothing, simply waited patiently for the young girl to hopefully express what she seemed to be having trouble with.
She considered miss Denaker for a moment before offering the books back to her. "Take them, keep them. I think they would have a warmer home with you." She simply said. "Consider it part of your summer reading." She would be getting a new set for next term anyway, and this was just as good as donating them. Completely within her professional bounds.
"I will be returning next term, Miss Denaker," Was that the Ravenclaw's worry? Nana assumed so, but something about Miss Denaker's... not her words, but her actions was leading her to believe otherwise. "I expect you in my class next term, miss Denaker. It would be much too quiet without you." She said, a lightly amused smile slipping across her face.
Yes, she had made a joke. No, the world was not ending.
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Ariadne paused as the professor took back her day planner. She seemed...heartbroken or something. Was she about to CRY?! It was...just a day planner, but maybe she was just hurt that somebody had taken her day planner and pretty much killed it. "You're welcome, Professor," she said, giving her a sympathetic look. She wasn't really sure what else to say. There were lots of 'thank you's', but Ariadne had already responded to those.
Maybe she should offer to do something to help make the professor feel better...
"Is there something else I can do?" she asked, hoping the answer wasn't 'mop my floors with your toothbrush' or something equally disgusting and mundane. "I can try and conjure you some flowers!" she added excitedly. Maybe she'd like THAT. She was the Transfiguration professor, after all.
This was really just so inopportune. Of all the times to be turning into an emotional ball of sadness, right in front of a student. Merlin, Preston Kingsley would be absolutely ashamed of her. She nodded quietly, clearing her throat and blinking to keep her eye from becoming too watery.
Nana laughed, watery and awkwardly, but she laughed. "I... That would be very kind, but it is unnecessary, thank you." She cleared her throat once again. "I had best be going, I have.. Very much to do and very little time, but I thank you again, Mis Griengoth." It was the offer that did it, made her pull herself together and see how silly she was being.