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As they spread around the teacher Elsa took a moment to look around. They were in a quick spacious clearing, something told her things were about to get physical. They were going into a paint war? How exciting!! Elsa quickly dropped her bag near a group of trees so her arms were free and rolled her sleeves up. She casted the Impervious on her clothes - or so she though - and got ready for action.
She circled around the clearing, finding Gabriel's back turned to her not far from there "Hey Gabriel!" she shouted so he would look in her direction. She wasn't about to attack anyone from the back for sure. She then pointed her want at him and cast the spell "PINGO GREEN!". She grinned happily. This was so much fun. To hell with the whole - think about friends and family and what war brings. WAR WAS SO MUCH FUN.
Not sure if the colour ball and hit his target or not. He heard his name being called out. He looked around and a second later he saw the green colour coming towards him.
He tried to defend himself and was just about to say Protego but it was too late he was covered with a splash of green.
Hey! how could he have protected himself it was so sudden. Good he still had to be hit again to change his colour. He belonged to the red house and was in no mood of changing that.
He looked over at the direction from where he was hit.
okay so it was Elsa. No problem. You'll be paying for that soon. He got his wand ready. This time attentive he didn't get hit again.
Okay Elsa! Might wanna be ready