Shooting at you, Rachie-Ru Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
Candy??? Um no. They were too sexy to eat candy. "Nope, sorry." she said apologetically to Esme, "We do have a wide array of sea-food outside of our windows, though." Your pick. Merpeople or giant-squid?
It didn't seem like Songbird's new nickname bothered him, though he did give her one of those dumfounded starrrrrrreeeeessssssss. Oh well. She had saved him from the embarrassment of leaving the Dark Side for the Pride, so he just had to deal with it. (plus, she had nooooo idea what his name was. She'd have to find out later.)
Sticking to their original-plan of all aiming at the same person, Mason followed Esme's lead at wailing on Rachel. With a quick flick of her wrist and a "PINGO GREEN!" she sent paint flying Rachel's way. If any of it got in her friend's eyes, she'd have to apologise later. . . right now though, this was WAR!
Last edited by Hiraeth; 03-28-2016 at 09:03 AM.