Post #4: H: 95 | M: 48 | F: 20 Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese EEEEEE!!!!
For just a moment, smol blonde thought she'd actually managed to hit her target. The Slytherin had jerked rather dramatically before going down on his bum...but his legs hadn't seemed, jelly!like?....What if this was a diversion tactic?!?! Not that she was really clever enough to consider tactics. That's what she had Chloe Newman for....
Either way, Olivia wasn't allowing whatever he was doing to inspire her sympathies. People fell in duels all the time, you know? She'd seen so for herself! Even Char had fallen and gotten right back up before! Besides, he obviously wasn't that hurt because he'd pushed himself up on his knee not a moment later, maneuvering his wand with mad style and flourishes........aiming more magic at her.....EEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Like seriously, she would always give kudos for flair and theatrics. WHERE COULD SHE LEARN SOME OF THAT?! See, Liv worried she wouldn't be able to actually cast anything if she tried to get too fancy shmancy with her wand. She was still learning basic spells over here, okay?!
However, she did have momentum on her side as she dodged the object being slung at her....but had to stop moving all together* to concentrate on her own spell.
Movement + Magic = failure. SMOL BLONDE WAS STILL LEARNING......Also, smol blonde was UTTERLY determined. She wanted to win this thing. Liv wasn't giving up!!!!
WHAT DID THEY SAY TO DEFEAT?! NOT TO.FREAKING.DAY. NOODLE. SPOILER!!: Points Tracker! - Stinging Hex: Causes injuries like stings, which burn and appear as red welts and inflammation
- Caster Points:
- Opponent Points:
- Additional Effects: n/a
Target: Jaemin Song Depleted Health/Magic/Fatigue points: 0 | -7 | -5 Olivia Phillps Health Points: 95 Magic Points: 41 Fatigue Points: 15