History of Magic Lesson Two - On the Grounds Ansley led his class out to an open space on the Hogwarts grounds not far from the lake. This would be the perfect place to have a little fun with his lesson. Once he called roll again and made sure that everyone who was with him inside was now congregated outside, he addressed them all as a class again. "Alright, class, we are going to have a little activity," he said, raising his voice a little to make sure they could all hear. "We are going to go to war. Well... not really, but we are going to have a paint war. Instead of two sides, there will be four - you will be divided by house. Might as well Impervius your clothes, or get an older student to do that for you." He probably should have told them to wear old clothes, but oops, he forgot. "A lot of you said you'd go to war for family or friends, maybe imagine that that is what is going on now." Or whatever they wanted to imagine, he didn't care. "Which side will win? The side that wants it more? The side with more people? The side that has more power?" It might be interesting to see how it turned out or what the strategies would be. "You will be using two spells - Pingo, which shoots out a bubble of paint from your wand when combined with the spell name and color (for example - Pingo Blue shoots out blue paint) and Protego, the shield charm." Hopefully the younger students knew these charms or they'd need to learn fast. Not his problem though, all's fair in love and war. "You will attempt to strike a member from another team with your house color and they will do the same. Once you are hit by a color twice, you must join that team until you are struck twice by another color." So in effect, if a teammate was lost, they could always be returned if the original team were strategic. |