h:100 m: 75 f: 15 ♥Dunkin | Pixie's Precious Pea | kpop goddess | sneaky sounder | forever slytherin♥ Oh Merlin, no. No no no. Not that spell. He'd seen enough people get hit by it and he knew for sure that he didn't want to be one of them. Jaemin ducked, flinching a bit as the spell barely cleared his head, and let out a heavy gasp, fingers clenching tighter around his wand. If that would have hit him...
He just wanted this duel over with already. The small boy made a face and swiped his wand at the girl, casting a long, wide shower of green sparks in her direction. Rather belatedly, he added a quiet "Incarcerous" behind them. Maybe one of the two would actually hit, unlike every single spell in his last duel. Text Cut: tracking - Green Sparks: Green sparks are produced from wand
- Caster Points:
- Opponent Points:
- Additional Effects: n/a
- Incarcerous: Ties target up with ropes
___Easy:- Caster Points:
- Opponent Points:
- Additional Effects: Target must unbind themselves before can cast/move again
Action: duck (-5F)
Duelist: Jaemin Song
H: 100
M: 65
F: 10