And this new poltergal is behind the doll, too:
Originally Posted by
Miffy the Poltergal
Had everyone heard him? HAD THEY!? He totally remembered and was TOTALLY INFATUATED WITH HER. He really just needed to hurry up and propose ghostly poltergeisty matrimony already.
"There is NOOOOOOO way I will EVER be able to top my last spot," she cooed. "Took ....." She paused to count on her fingers, but quickly got bored of this and waved them giddily in his handsome face. "A LOOOOOOOOOONG TIME!"
A decade?
It was hard to do math when Miffy couldn't even pay attention long enough to count past five on her fingers.
She turned towards her adoring fans with a smile so wide it took up her entire face. "He never actually found me either, BY THE WAY. Porcelain dolls make for the BEST hiding places."
Miffy paused to bat her eyelashes triumphantly at HER Peevesie.
He knew what this meant, YES?
She deserved victory poltergeisty kisses and a proposal. DUUUUUUUUUUUUH.
She was even puckering her lips JUST FOR HIM.