Well, at least she was putting up a fight. . . that made this a little bit more entertaining.
This wasn't going too baaddddddd- nevermind. Mason had been too slow in avoiding the spell. And now SHE WAS UPSIDE DOWN!!!
Oh sweet Merlin. She really hated being in the air, and she hated hovering. Adding upside-down to the whole mix. . . she wasn't having a brilliant time. But she had to win this duel!
So Mason swallowed her impending vomit, closed her eyes and focused on her spell. Luckily her wand had remained in her hand, so YAY for that. She took aim at one of her own air-borne legs,
And then she was falling. Mason really liked her head not split-open, so she raised her wand again and cast the
Cushioning Charm.
The fall still hurt as hell, but at least she was still alive, so there was that. Staggering to her feet, Mason let out a growl,
"Is that the best you got?"
She was angry now, and Angry Mason was aggressive. . . and being aggressive was something she was
very good at.
You're going down, Stone.
She raised her wand in a flash motion and cast the spells rapidly after the other. First came the
Stinging Hex, if it hit her, good. Of it didn't, so what, at least it was a distraction for her next one. Mason aimed the
Switching Spell at Olivia's face, intending to switch her ears and her eyes. That would make seeing and hearing her A LOT more difficult. Which would make beating her A LOT more difficult. *Insert feral-smirk here*
No one messes with Mason Stevens.
Unless your name is Murdoch.