• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Paul had to think about that. They had...so many dogs .__. So many. "Well..the one I have here, Sir Fluffington...he's a Lagotto Romagnolo--my, isn't that a mouthful?" he chuckled. "Every time I say it, I realize how LONG the breed name is. So he's huge and fluffy." But most people weren't familiar with that breed. "Let's see who else.." Er, "Oh! Our beagle, Shirley, our golden-doodle, Bugsy, and a collie named Zelda." He smiled. "Fluffington doesn't seem..quite so fond of the castle...so I might bring Zelda with me next term." Her temperament might be better suited for it, actually, now that he thought on it.
So Justin had pets too! "Is Lucy a cat, too? So you're a cat person? Tsk tsk..." he shook his head. "We can't be friends now, clearly. Cats..." more head shaking.
Paul hated cats. A whole pack of dogs, wowie. "Wow, quite a family you have." Justin chuckled, "I had a German Shepherd once, Maxie was a riot and he got along great with Jerry when he was a lil kitten." Definitely some dedication for keeping them. "How old are they?"
As for Lucy.. His grin widened. "Aha, oh no no, she's more precious. She's my daughter." His little baby snake in training. |