Resident School Poltergeist | Unruly & Malicious
If there was one thing Peeves could count on, it was the staff's continued lack of humour. But that was fine with the poltergeist. Their grumpy faced reactions combined with a bulging vein or two in a forehead never got old. In fact, it was quite hilarious. "Yes! Someone was clearly genius to think of snow in the Great Hall!" With a gleeful cackle, Peeves scooped up another bucketful of snow for human snowman Myers. "Anyone have a carrot for the snowman's nose?" he called out, looking for some willing participants. Myers was looking quite frozen, if he'd say so himself. And that silly wooden stick he was waving around didn't make him shiver any more than the freezing weather might have.
Oh, and there was Airhead blubbering on about his office again. Maybe if he got lucky that vein would start bulging again. HEHEHE. "Wish I could have seen that, Airhead. Sounds HI-LAR-EEE-OUSSSS!" Peeves succumbed in a fit of laughter before spotting the young Slytherin girl who looked all too interested in building a snowman herself. "Why don't we show these stuffy old professors how to have a little fun!" He flew over to her, swooping down to grab a handful of snow, speeding up his throwing to a near impossible rate to throw a succession of snowballs at all of the adults up on the dais. "Best pranks ever this year, seriously!" The students must be getting more awesome, or were finally beginning to realize how amazing he was and trying to be just lie him. And while he might not have had anything to do with it snowing, he was going to take full advantage of it while he was here!
__________________ You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog. 
P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly. |